For the past month v11 on my laptop has started to run really slowly when trying to add or click between products. I've cleaned my laptop up as much as I can to enhance it's performance (64 bit, 4GB RAM, Intel Core2 Duo CPR Processor running Windows Vista) but it hasn't made a slight bit of difference - in fact it seems to be getting slower!
I did look up a previous thread about loading JavaScripts from external sites and have looked into the two soloutions it suggets:
1) "Look for addthis" - I couldn't find addthis bookmark on my site
2) "I have been having the same problem with the facebook like button. Also new to Actinic but figured the fix.
Highlight the facebook header code that you put in your layout.
Right click and Insert block
In the condition Editor click on the green button with + on
scroll down the list until you see IsNotPreviewMode
Select insert
Select Ok in the condition editor.
Your code will now have the block if around it." - I'm pretty sure I did this correctly but it didnt work
Does anyone know if there is anything else I could try?
Many thanks in advance,
For the past month v11 on my laptop has started to run really slowly when trying to add or click between products. I've cleaned my laptop up as much as I can to enhance it's performance (64 bit, 4GB RAM, Intel Core2 Duo CPR Processor running Windows Vista) but it hasn't made a slight bit of difference - in fact it seems to be getting slower!
I did look up a previous thread about loading JavaScripts from external sites and have looked into the two soloutions it suggets:
1) "Look for addthis" - I couldn't find addthis bookmark on my site
2) "I have been having the same problem with the facebook like button. Also new to Actinic but figured the fix.
Highlight the facebook header code that you put in your layout.
Right click and Insert block
In the condition Editor click on the green button with + on
scroll down the list until you see IsNotPreviewMode
Select insert
Select Ok in the condition editor.
Your code will now have the block if around it." - I'm pretty sure I did this correctly but it didnt work
Does anyone know if there is anything else I could try?
Many thanks in advance,