
No announcement yet. facebook help please

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new posts facebook help please


    I want to add a link to my facebook page on my site. i have looked at a previous thread and as advised on there i have code form addthis but i dont know what to do next.

    Please can someone give me a step by step guide, or point me in the direction of, to how to put this code into the html.

    i also want to add a like button to each product, i have code for this too, im guessing it'tt be the same procudure as above.

    Thank you

    I wish someone had replied to this thread, because I want to insert this into my website too!

    Perhaps someone could help please.


      Maybe do a search and use Actinic's in-built help. All the information you need is available elsewhere.
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        I have all sorts of issues with addthis in acinic so i use
        You create the buttons you want then you end up with two bits of code, one goes in the page header and one bit goes where you want the buttons.
        In design layouts open javascript header functions and put the header cpode at the bottom.
        In design tab open your page, click where you want the buttons in the outer layout or product layout and add the code. You will bneed to know a little html coding.
        Wrap the header code in a blockif (pagepreview==false) this stops delays in page previews. only do that once you are happy with the button position.

        if you are not jhappy with fiddling around with code, share this do a floatingf button, and you only need to put code in the header functionsd as above and after the <body> tag

        Ideally you should puit some open graph meta tags (og) in the header, this is described here
        Last edited by graphicz; 23-Apr-2013, 09:34 AM. Reason: adding link and addendum
        Jonathan Chappell
        Website Designer
        SellerDeck Website Designer
        Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
        Graphicz Limited -

