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Reply-to address

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    Reply-to address

    Hi Guys

    I would like any emails that are sent via the Contact form to arrive with the 'From' field being populated with the customers email.

    At the moment the customers email is in the "Reply-to" field with our business email address being in the from field.

    This is causing a problem as the autoresponders do not work as they are sending replies to our address and not the customers.

    Does anyone know how to change this? So that the customers address is in the 'From' field and not the 'Reply-to' field?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give

    All the best,


    To do this you'd need to change the perl scripts for the form. It shouldn't be a major change as all it involves is swapping around which field the customer address populates.

    The problem you're going to face though is that there's a big chance the emails then won't get sent to you at all. Most ISPs have tightened up email to stop spam senders and typically won't send an email unless it's from the hosts domain which is why Sellerdeck does it the way it does. If you try sending the email 'from' the customers email address on your web server then it's likely to get rejected with a 'relaying denied' error message.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike, thats a big help, thank you

      I had no idea this was the case. I didnt notice this change until now, as far as i knew all our autoresponders were working fine! Its a bit of a shock to find out that noboddy has been receiving those!

      Do you know when this change took place? when those autoresponse emails stopped being delivered?

      This is a bit of a problem for us, I cant think of a work around. If anyone has any ideas I wqould be very grateful to hear

      thanks Mike



        Sorry Barry, I don't know when this came in.

        Can I ask what auto responder you use? It might be possible to change the field it's using for the customers email address.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Thanks Mike

          Im using a server based Autoresponder from Webfuion so there is no option for changing those fields. It would be great if there was one!

          Perhaps there is some software out there that will aloow us to do this?

          Thanks for your help Mike, much appreciated!



            Sorry Barry, that's me out of ideas.

            You could always try changing the mailform script and seeing if your isp plays ball or not.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


