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Forcing Other Info Prompt to be active

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    Forcing Other Info Prompt to be active

    Hi everyone,
    Can somebody please help. I have client who would like to use the other info prompt as a gift message area. I have applied the tweaks from the AUG to make the Other Info box optional as well as into a larger box. What I am struggling with is a way to force the Other Info box to activate across the entire site.

    I understand the principle that when text is entered into the Other Info Question the functionality becomes active and works as it should. Call me lazy, but as the client has about 2500 products I don't fancy the idea of entering 2500 individual entries (unless I absolutely have to!),

    Is there a perl tweak that can override the 'Other Info Question' text field into making the functionality work for me? I hope thsi makes sense.

    Thanks in advance.

    Lee Jackson
    Creative Director

    Centurius Design & Marketing
    Centurius Website
    Portfolio of Work

    Export the catalog, open in Excel and add other info prompt text to all "Product" rows. Re-import. Backup first!

    Alternatively, close SD, open ActinicCatalog.mdb in Access and in the "Product" table fill every entry in the "Other info prompt" column.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

