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    multi monitors also work


      So to use V8 to best effect we now need wide screen or multi monitors


        If you open the css file in DW (ftp download) it is compacted code, even though Actinic is set at uncompacted. It can be edited using the DW code panel but when I try to copy and paste it back into Actinic via the css pane then Actinic only acepts the first line. It is possible to copy and paste new code but I cannot get it to accept the modified Actinic css.

        My questions are:

        1. Why is the code compacted - if it were uncompacted it would make things easier in DW.

        2. Why can you not paste the whole of the css from DW back into Actinic - I suspect it may be due to the compacting as normally formatted css goes in no problem.

        What I am trying to do is get a solution to editting the css in a way I understand better. I can then edit the css in DW and get Actinic to upload the file, at the moment all I can do to get things working is upload the css from DW.


          Originally posted by RuralWeb
          So to use V8 to best effect we now need wide screen or multi monitors
          Upgrading is never cheap

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            When I create a new site the css when viewed in DW is compacted and cannot be pasted back when edited in DW.

            When I upgrade a site the css when viewd in DW is not compacted, it can be edited as per "normal" css AND it can be pasted back into V8 without any adverse effect.

            Question: When a site is upgraded is the css constructed differently to a standard site.


              Question: When a site is upgraded is the css constructed differently to a standard site.
              An upgraded CSS file will look a bit different from a 'clean' one as Actinic will retain your edits to it, and then add in all the new classes required to support the v8 designs.

              However, whether a CSS layout is'fresh' or upgraded, they should both be editable in Dreamweaver. Please see the attached screenshot for how my 'fresh' css file looks in DW. Does yours look different?
              Attached Files


                Malcolm - if you have the site colours already established can you not copy and paste the code from the top preview CSS window into your DW stylesheet - bypassing the Actinic specific markup? This may be a trade off for ease of design especially if the exisiting site does not need to be recoloured by the site owner inside Actinic itself.

                Just a thought. But there may be a reason why you can't go this route

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

