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Not So Curvy

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    Not So Curvy

    Downloaded latest v8 beta and changed theme to "Curves". Surprised to find this theme is not as curvy as in v7. Does not show the words menu on the left. Looks like they have been "chopped off".

    When you choose this theme the example displayed is similar to that in v7 but this is not what you get!

    How can I get this theme to look more like it did in v7?

    Regards Gordon

    The sidebar in the Curves theme looks different in v8 than it did in v7. The curved navigation bar has gone as it was too inflexible - i.e. you couldn't add your own custom navigation into it and you could only display them in a a fixed order.

    I'll raise a bug to get the preview image updated to look like the new v8 Curves theme.

    If you want it to look like the v7 Curves theme, you just need to copy the images for the sidebar navigation links into the v8 Site1 folder and then edit the v8 sidebar navigation icons to use those images.

