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Product permutation pricing including VAT

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    Product permutation pricing including VAT

    Hi, I'm new to this Actinic game!!

    Seems a tidy tool though.

    Anyway, I have entered our products which have different weights per product, i.e. Product A is available in 15kg, 7.5kg and 2kg sizes.

    For the customer I want to display a dropdown list of the three choices to show the VAT inclusive price i.e. 15kg (£34.65 incl VAT)

    I've successfully got the drop down and got prices in but if I use the exclusive price the customer cannot see the inclusive price and if I use the inclusive price then VAT is added at checkout.

    This, I know is going to be a very simple answer but I would be grateful.


    Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!

    Hi Mike,

    Welcome to the forum.

    You just need to include the full price in the dropdown description
    i.e. 15Kg £34.65 etc and when using the permutation listing you need to fill in the details under the Price tab to show the Vat exclusive price and tick the valid box and either override or use component pricing.

    See -

    Hope this helps,

    Location: North Yorkshire UK


      Actually David, Actinic can show prices in the drop-down lists automatically now but by default the prices are shown excluding VAT.

      Mike - unfortunately I have no idea how to show those prices including tax. I'll have to ask the development team for some input.


        Hi Chris,

        Silly boy! Still working under v7

        Location: North Yorkshire UK


          Yes, this is a V7 feature (I had been evaluating V7 for a couple of days when V8 appeared!!).
          It doesn't work quite the same in V8.
          Obviously for the customer coming to the site they want to see the inclusive price by the product weight in the Weight selection drop-down but when it is selected to go into the shopping cart the cart price is exclusive of VAT and VAT is added.
          We have one unfortunate problem in that one (and only one) of our products is VAT free, the fortunate thing is that it is only sold as 15kg so it may be easier to do than I initially thought.
          I do believe a lot of users/developers will want this feature of showing the full retail price in the drop-down.

          Thanks for you help folks, I think I have only another 25 days of evaluation left and I've got to convince the MD this is what we should use!!

          Originally posted by dscontroller
          Hi Mike,

          Welcome to the forum.

          You just need to include the full price in the dropdown description
          i.e. 15Kg £34.65 etc and when using the permutation listing you need to fill in the details under the Price tab to show the Vat exclusive price and tick the valid box and either override or use component pricing.

          See -

          Hope this helps,

          Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


            Hi Mike

            The answer to this one is is 'probably, yes'. It requires PHP customisation, and I'm just seeing if any of our team have the time to come up with a way to do this.


              OK Mike - I have a solution for you. Here's how to get to the layout you need to edit:

              1) in the 'Design' tab, click in a drop down list that has a price in. Look at the layout code at the bottom of the tab. You should be in a layout called 'Drop Down Permutation List'.

              2) Double-click on the pink 'Drop Down Permutation Entry' layout selector.

              3) In the new layout, double-click on the pink 'PermutationPrice' layout selector.

              4) Replace the entire contents of that layout with the following:

              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE" >
                 (+<actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block>)
              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e" />
                 (+<actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::ProductPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block>)
              This will include the VAT-inclusive price in the drop-down list.



                Hmm, very nearly.

                To clarify a bit, taking the 15kg example:
                Net price = £29.49
                = £34.65 inc VAT

                I have made the change you detailed with the following result

                'Basic Price with Tax message' reads:

                15kg (+£34.65) correct price but wrong format

                'Basic Price' displays:

                15kg £29.49

                What we actually need to display is:

                15kg £34.65 including VAT @ 17.5%
                7.5kg £17.86 including VAT @ 17.5%
                2kg £6.35 including VAT @ 17.5%

                I have the net prices set up correctly in the Permutations tab of the weight select component.

                We do have an alternative that we can use by implementing the radio buttons but it means that the tax inclusive price is a piece of text. This would mean that prices would need to be changed in at least two places for each item. I would rather have the price set in the permutations tab and use that as the only place for the price to exist.

                One other issue is that the graphic 'add to cart' button is only available in the CSS layouts (workaround would be to change the graphic to our own)

                Still looking good though

                Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


                  No Problem

                  Replace the contents of the 'Drop Down Permutation Entry' with:
                  <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationIsValid%22%20%2f%3e">
                  <option value="<actinic:variable name="PermutationChoiceList" value="Permutation Choice ID List" />">
                  	<actinic:variable name="PermutationChoiceList" value="Permutation Choice Name List" />
                     <actinic:variable name="PermutationPrice" /> including VAT @ 17.5%
                  This will include the choice name (not the name of the associated product) into the drop down list,and then include the price with a tax message.

                  Also, here is an updated version of the layout code to replace the stuff I gave you earlier (i.e. double-click on 'PermutationPrice' and replace everything there with the following):
                  <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE" >
                     <actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="PermutationPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block>
                  <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PermutationAssociatedPricesAreUsed%22%20%2f%3e" />
                     <actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>formattedcurrency(round(<actinic:variable name="AssociatedProduct::ProductPriceRaw" /> * 1.175, <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />), <actinic:variable name="CurrencyDigits" />, '<actinic:variable name="MoneyDecimalSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="MoneyThousandSeparator" />', '<actinic:variable name="DefaultCurrency" />');</actinic:block>



                    Thanks for that Chris, it works a treat!!

                    Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


                      I had the same problem and this thread solved it. Many thanks to cdicken!

                      Just a note for Irish customers in order for the component to calculate the 21% VAT rate you need to change the value in the code given from "* 1.175" to "* 1.210"


                        I can't get the Permutation Price to round off an even euro in some cases when adding VAT.

                        EG. If you select a coloured item for one of the products we want this to add 4.00 euro to the cost.

                        If I add the price for the colour as 3.30 it rounds up to 3.99 but if I add the price as 3.31 then with VAT it rounds up to 4.01. [bearing in mind VAT over here is 21%]

                        Any work around for this or will I just tell the client he'll have to charge 3.99 or 4.01?


                          V9 will solve this issue, until then you are stuck with this, it's an ongoing well known shortcoming at the moment.


                            Right you be, not a massive issue. Thanks anyway!



                              The code change above assumes that everything is charged at a flat VAT rate. Does anyone know how to find the correct VAT rate for the product permutations in order to perform the multiplication? For example, some of our products permutation are calculated at 17.5%, some at 5% and some at 0%.

                              I have looked at the associatedproduct::taxtreatment variable but this doesn't seem to give me the actual tax rate to use.

                              Any help would be greatly appreciated.

