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V8 Themes

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    V8 Themes

    I'm disappointed.....

    Why oh why, is V8 still using some of the themes that were available in the now very dated V3?

    I thought V8 was going to be a total redeign, yet although we have a few new templates, the vast majority are still the ones from previous Actinics.

    In your next patch, how about some FRESH templates please?

    ( Just an observation )

    Hi Mark

    I thoroughly agree with you. We did commision 7 or 8 new design concepts to turn into themes, but only three of them were possible to turn into a useable Actinic theme - so these became Executive, Contemporary and Technical. There's also the new Clean CSS Layout which was my rather basic attempt to get a resizable three-column design working using CSS layers. You might find this a useful starting point for a custom design.


      Thanks Chris,

      can we expect some more themes then in patch releases? The blank ones are fine for those clients who can design, but for those who purchase off the shelf and just want to plug it in and go the choice is pretty dismal you will have to agree.

      I just feel that after all the anticipation and talk about how wonderful V8 was going to be and it was a " complete" change from the old Actinic, we are still stuck with those embarrassing V3 themes.

      Someone needs a kick up the ****, it's like having a Porsche engine with a Reliant Robin bodywork........

      Come on Actinic, get yer finger out and lets have a bit of foresight. You need to be thinking about how this product can move forward in the market place and with those old redundant themes in there, they can only hold the product back.


        jo at pinbrook is working on themes at the moment and they look pretty good so far.


          I've got 2 almost ready and 3 more in progress.

          The first 2 will be entirely css, and will be colourisable by the palette, the add to cart, checkout buttons will also be css buttons. Hence no extra images whatso ever. They are also 3 column fluid design.


            Have you worked out the prices yet jo.


              Well done Jo....

              Nice to see someone taking the bull by the horns and getting something done, why dont Actinic pay you for the templates you are doing?

              Be cool to have some other designers do some funky templates.


                I am working on some also at the moment - could not jump in too quickly as needed to really await a production release rather than the Alpha / Beta releases ... plus up to my eyes in clients v7 sites also

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  pinbrook - themes fro v8


                  Are the themes available for Actiic V8?
                  Been to the site but can't find any info on them.

                  Look forward to hearing from you.



                    given the issues with the stability of V8 I don't plan on having any themes availableuntil sfter Christmas

                    Supporting them is a potential nightmare at the mo


                      I agree

                      I feel that when a new version is released everything is the same and you can only get your site looking good (better) by altering the designs. to be honest i was expecting something mindblowing the way the sales were explaining things to me i feel its just the same but with a design tab thrown in. Are there any themes available anywere for v8 at the mo??



                        Originally posted by simonthecasey
                        I was expecting something mindblowing the way the sales were explaining things to me i feel its just the same but with a design tab thrown in.
                        That in itself is pretty mind blowing!! The added benefits of also boughts, best sellers lists and the more open architecture of the code is brilliant - the design tab is simply your internal access to it all.

                        There is not a Act_Template in sight .... that had non-designers dancing in the streets

                        Originally posted by simonthecasey
                        Are there any themes available anywere for v8 at the mo??
                        I have personally not seen any and like Jo I have put mine on the back burner again until the various issues are ironed out and it becomes more stable and a viable product to be using on a live site (non of my own sites are in v8 yet)

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Yea it is good in that respect although how do you get them to appear on your site (best seller list) do you have to wait for people to purhase items?

                          And it is easyer with the design tab. I must of been tired on the other post

