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Google Checkout

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    Google Checkout

    Will Version 8 have support for Google Checkout at some point?

    I just hope I don't have to pay extra for it like I did for PayPal.
    Jeffrey Michael
    Choice Vacuum
    Bellevue, WA, USA

    There are no current plans to incorporate Google Checkout with Actinic. I'll add this to the wish list for you.


      Spent the better part of the afternoon trying to embed Google Checkout html code into my shopping cart Web pages.

      Let me tell ya, it hasn't been successful!
      Jeffrey Michael
      Choice Vacuum
      Bellevue, WA, USA



        How are you getting on with Google Checkout?


          Could someone explain to me what the advantages are to using GC over say protx of actinic with telephone confirmed orders?

          Is it like paypal or do you need merchant account?

          Is it designed to show conversion data more accurately with Adwords & Analytics?

          It would be interesting to see if it's worth adding GC to our site... If anyone can get it to work!!


            There is a way to google checkout

            You can implement google checkout in Actinic. Using the libary and variables you can create a property which would be a tag for google checkout. its tedious but works on a product by product basis. Orders would be processed through google and not Actinic

            Google Checkout would not work as a traditional payment method in Actinic. We looked at building a payment plugin like we did for paypal but at the moment were too busy and I dont know that there is a demand for GC.

            There is a nice deal where Google offers free adwords advertsing to merchant who use the GC platform so its worth investigation.

            Mysweeper if your desperate for the integration using variables and the library, contact me and we will provide you with some consulting.

            Brian Johnson
            :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
            1-732-528-7635 x203

