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Same Layouts

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    Same Layouts


    Is it possible to have the same layout for brochure and catalog? I have the same html in both, but I can't seem to set them both to the same layout to save me copying it everytime I make a change.

    Any ideas?


    I created "Brochure" as a store section, then added the brochure type pages to that section.

    Deleted the Actinic Home page and Brochure sections above the main store page, and set a redirect permanent in the website root to acatalog/index.html

    That way, I only maintain Act_Primary.html, and have common navigation and layout throughout the site.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      That't one way to do it. The other way is as follows:
      1. Go to 'Design | Themes' and click the 'Advanced Themes Configuration' button
      2. Change to the 'Page Layouts' tab and click the 'Advanced Page Configuration' button.
      3. In the 'Brochure' row, change the 'Outer Layout Selector' from 'BrochureLayout' to 'StandardLayout'.
      4. Click 'OK'.
      Doing this change means that the 'Overall Page Layout' field (which is controlled by a layout selector called 'StandardLayout') can be used for brochure pages as well as section pages. In other words, the default 'Overall Page Layout' you set in 'Settings | Site Options | Layout' will also be used for brochure pages.

      In order to be able to overwirte this choice for different brochure pages, go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and open the 'Web Page Outer Layout' group. Double-click on the 'StandardLayout' layout selector and under 'Place Of Setting' select 'Brochure'.

      I think this is one for the advanced user guide.


        For the record, Bill's reply is a pre V8 reply (V8 doesn't have Act-Primary etc anylonger)

        In addition to ChrisD's reply, can I assume Chris, that if you are using your own outer layout, and on registering it you choose All pages (or whatever the choice is) then there is no need to additionally change layouts


          Bill's reply is a pre V8 reply
          Yes, sorry, it was. I am in the middle of moving stock from the old warehouse to the new, the ISP connection is still in the old house, so I rush on here - and answer too hastily.

          Sorry for misleading.

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            Excellent, works great!



              In addition to ChrisD's reply, can I assume Chris, that if you are using your own outer layout, and on registering it you choose All pages (or whatever the choice is) then there is no need to additionally change layouts

              The external design will be added to both the 'StandardLayout' selector (for section pages) and the 'BrochureLayout' selector (for brochure pages).

