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Passing information to PayPal

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    Passing information to PayPal

    All my posts have been problems, so I'll just point out that I love the product! Now, here we go:

    I use PayPal as my PSP. (They are huge - I can't be the only one)

    When my order is passed from Actinic it has line items. (You know the sort of thing: 1 CD, 1 Pair of trainers, Delivery, etc)
    When it arrives in PayPal it just has the Actinic order ID as the line item.

    I contacted Actinic and was told that
    its not possible to transfer more details to the Paypal server, as currently Actinic is designed to only transfered limited information across as permitted by the Paypal server. (Support Ticket 84044)
    Well it doesn't look very professional, and it's a rather basic function to transfer line items to PayPal. PayPal certainly permits it from other software (Mal's E and eBay to name two).

    If it's not currently possible, please could I get it added to the wish list? Customers get twitchy when what they ordered disappears from the order information to be replaced by a long string of numbers.

    (Usual caveat: Unless, of course, I'm doing something wrong.)

    If you wish, you can test this at and cancel before paying for your order.

    Kind regards,
    Phil Benjamin

    Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?

    Hi Phil

    Yeah - this is a limitation in the interface at the minute. I have added it to the wish list, so hopefully this addition can be considered for a future release.


      Thanks Chris.

      It's always good to know it's not just me!

      While they are at it, can they also watch what happens to:
      a) The phone number - it seems to drop all but the first three digits, and
      b) The county - it is a required field in PayPal but not in Actinic, and therefore it can cause a user to stumble. Especially if they are from say, London, with no county to enter.

      I will look at making the County compulsory in my site, but if they could be added to the wish list too, I would be grateful. (Once confirmed of course)

      Kind regards,
      Phil Benjamin

      Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?


        Any updates?

        This was posted a long while ago and it was added to the wish list.

        Is there any news?

        Or can any experts simply tell me the code I need to change so that when I enter a phone number in Actinic, it comes out correctly in PayPal, and not just as a few characters from the original phone number?

        eg: If you enter "123456789ABCDEF" as a phone number in Actinic, it comes out as "456"

        Also I'd like to pass over the email address too. It doesn't seem to do this and the code is probably easy enough to implement if someone can tell me what it should be.

        Any help available?
        Kind regards,
        Phil Benjamin

        Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?


          I will need to run this past Development for you, Actinic still does not pass additional information to PayPal other than the mandatory requirement. I will check the break-up of the telephone number for you.

          Have you had a look at PayPal Pro as yet?

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            PayPal Pro

            Not yet. I read that there is a £20/month fee and I'm not ready to pay that yet. (If I'm wrong, I'd love to know).

            Is there a reason you ask that relates to this problem?
            Kind regards,
            Phil Benjamin

            Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?


              personally I wouldn't touch Paypal with a barge poll

              I used it for a year and never again, use a legit PPS, it also gives customers confidence as there are so many problems using PP and gives the "one man band" set up appearance to a tee


                Not sure if this ever got soughted but we experience the same problem with transferring the correct info to PayPal. I'm not too concerned over the product details but only the 4th-6th numbers of the phone get passed over and no email address.

                Using 8.51

                Any progress/update much appreciated.


                  but only the 4th-6th numbers of the phone get passed over and no email address.
                  What am i missing? why do you want phone no and email passed to paypal when you've got it within actinic order detail
                  personally I wouldn't touch Paypal with a barge poll
                  PP is useful as a 2nd payment option. Some people use it to pay if they don't have CC detail to have, or have surplus cash in their PP acct.


                    PayPal Pro Update

                    Hi there,

                    I have made progress.

                    I now have PayPal Pro up and running and it presents a lot better as users never visually leave your site. Every screen is one of yours, not PayPal's.


                    All the orders that use this method are now showing in PayPal as Name and Address 'Not Provided', and with no email address.

                    This is maddening. I have had to switch on the automated email from Actinic so that I know who and what has been ordered, however it makes refunds and enquiries a nightmare.

                    That's in addition to the fact that the ordered items are not shown either - but that was always the way and I've moaned about that on this forum before. Help, anyone?
                    Kind regards,
                    Phil Benjamin

                    Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?


                      Out of curiousity should there be a shipping charge?


                        Shipping charge

                        I think it should be there in the breakdown of the shopping list, eg:

                        Controlling Anxiety CD - £25.00
                        Delivery - £1.00

                        But the information isn't transferred over so you just get one line item representing the total, £26, in the example and the screen shot in my earlier post.
                        Kind regards,
                        Phil Benjamin

                        Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?


                          if you are using PPP and shipping by weight/zone you should apply a patch as documented here

                          otherwise your shipping will not get charged


                            I also have this problem, but also since there is no information passed to paypal are the address and security details checked.
                            I did a transaction with my card and put in everything wrong except the card number and the transaction was accepted and my card charged,

                            Response Message: Approved
                            Transaction Type: Sale
                            Authorization Code: 111111
                            Tender Type: Visa
                            AVS Street Match: X
                            Credit Card Number: 4529XXXXXXXX2007
                            AVS Postal Code Match : X
                            Credit Card Expiration: 09 / 2014
                            International AVS Indicator: N
                            Amount: 25.98 GBP
                            Card Security Code Match: X

                            Surely this is not supposed to happen.



                              Re: Pinbrook's comments
                              The shipping is added, for my sales, at the Actinic level, so it is passed through to PayPal. Therefore, I have no problem with the shipping being charged - it works fine.

                              Does this patch fix the problem discussed?

                              Re: Widdy
                              That doesn't sound good either, and I'm not hearing much from anyone else about this. It seems to me to be a huge problem!

                              Help anyone?
                              Kind regards,
                              Phil Benjamin

                              Want to de-stress as you use SellerDeck software?

