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Upgrade Errors

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    Upgrade Errors

    Just trying upgrading my site to V8. All goes well, various errors reported with nested tags etc but have managed to sort most of them barring 2 on the Confirm Password Page, they are as follows:-

    Variable 'PassError' is not defined.
    Script Error at line1034: Expected ')'

    and the Standard Image Fragment Page:-

    Syntax error in objects condition

    Anyone any ideas?

    Also, is it just me or is loading up V8 very slow, take a good 70-80 seconds to load on laptop here. 1.83Ghz Dual Core, 1GB Ram


    Located in Edinburgh UK


    When you double click on the error, does it take you to a layout? Because what you can do is reset that layout back to the Actinic original. This is how:

    1) Go to 'Design | Library' and change to the 'Layouts' tab.

    2) Right-click and select 'Find'. Enter the name of the layout with the errors and click 'Find Next Item'.

    3) Once the item is highlighted in the library, right-click on it and select 'Revert To Factory Settings'.

    That will reset any problems caused by the upgrade.


      Thanks for that Chris, I had actually looked for the offending layouts in there but must have over looked them, didn't realise there was a search facility, you learn something every day, as they say!

      Any thoughts on the slow load up time. We have about 1600 products in the database but even then it does seem to take an age to load up!


      Located in Edinburgh UK


        Any thoughts on the slow load up time. We have about 1600 products in the database but even then it does seem to take an age to load up!
        No great thoughts I'm afraid. I'm guessing you've already done a 'Housekeeping | Compact Databases' to compact the data.

        We have identified a few perfomance issues we can improve in Actinic so you should see some improvements over the next couple of maintenance releases.


          Originally posted by cdicken

          When you double click on the error, does it take you to a layout? Because what you can do is reset that layout back to the Actinic original. This is how:

          1) Go to 'Design | Library' and change to the 'Layouts' tab.

          2) Right-click and select 'Find'. Enter the name of the layout with the errors and click 'Find Next Item'.

          3) Once the item is highlighted in the library, right-click on it and select 'Revert To Factory Settings'.

          That will reset any problems caused by the upgrade.
          Well, that seemed to work for me on an error I had on my main page

          Great stuff


            But it dosen't seem to work on the other 70 coding errors I'm getting when trying an offline preview:

            Variable 'SectionImageFileName' is used out of context 14 times
            Variable 'SectionName' is used out of context 14 times
            Variable 'SectionImageHeight' is used out of context 14 times
            Variable 'SectionImageWidth' is used out of context 14 times
            Variable 'SectionDescription' is used out of context 14 times

            I'll be honest......I've not got a clue. Is the above serious?

            Thank you for your time


              I had 96 such occurences, which 'from my experience' disapeared when I cleaned up my commented code.

              i.e. I had a few elements in my primary template which were actinic variables, but contained within <!-- content and variables -->

              Once I removed them, the errors I got just disappeared as if by magic...

              Might be similar for you, but have to say I was doing a lot on it today and only noticed these errors had gone this evening, but the only thing I can put it down to is cleaning up of the commented code, so maybe the error checker is including the commented code in its checks and thus getting confused maybe.


                Originally posted by Support@Techno-
                I had 96 such occurences, which 'from my experience' disapeared when I cleaned up my commented code.

                i.e. I had a few elements in my primary template which were actinic variables, but contained within <!-- content and variables -->

                Once I removed them, the errors I got just disappeared as if by magic...

                Might be similar for you, but have to say I was doing a lot on it today and only noticed these errors had gone this evening, but the only thing I can put it down to is cleaning up of the commented code, so maybe the error checker is including the commented code in its checks and thus getting confused maybe.
                Thank you for that. I did what you suggested.......basically ended up double clicking on the listed errors then cut them from the code. They did disappear and now I list no error…..but it’s always a little bit scary going in there with a slash and delete approach when you don’t really know what you’re doing Everything seems to be okay at the moment though.....fingers crossed


                  Hmmmmmmmmmm. Did you delete the code which was raised by the checker or the commented code in the templates?

                  What I did was remove the commented code and not the code which was highlighted by the checker as that code looked okay to me, so I left that alone and looked elsewhere for the issue in effect, whereby the checker errors disappeared once the commented code was removed and not the other way around, i.e. I did not touch what code the checker suggested was wrong.


                    Originally posted by Support@Techno-
                    Hmmmmmmmmmm. Did you delete the code which was raised by the checker or the commented code in the templates?

                    What I did was remove the commented code and not the code which was highlighted by the checker as that code looked okay to me, so I left that alone and looked elsewhere for the issue in effect, whereby the checker errors disappeared once the commented code was removed and not the other way around, i.e. I did not touch what code the checker suggested was wrong.
                    I deleted the code that was raised by the checker......which I think was the commented code in the templates.......if that makes sense?

                    Everything seems okay with the layout, that is.......but I've not got the site running live yet

