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Card details at checkout stage

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    Card details at checkout stage

    In my new v8 test site when I get to the checkout stage after the customer has completed their name address etc I get a checkout page which shows the cart details and just under the 2 questions re How did you find our site I get a block which shows Payment method asking the user to confirm the following:

    payment method (one of 3 I have set up)
    type of card
    card number
    card expiration
    card start
    card issue

    If I choose the Secpay option this will take me to the secure site and this is OK

    However, if I choose "Send me an invoice" and click next it takes me to the receipt page. Again this is OK except that the receipt shows the digital download link. I only want the download link to work if they pay online.

    Why am I seeing this request for card details at this stage of the checkout, and also there is no page security set at this stage. I never had this with v6 or v7 and I have made no changes to any of the checkout pages.

    How do I get rid of it so the customer is only asked for card details once thay are on the secure SecPay site?

    You will need to remove 'Credit Card' as a payment option to get rid of the card details page that appears with the payment options. This will offer a drop down of the Invoice and Secpay alone.

    There is a perl workaround to ensure only a PSP payment method is offered if the cart contains a DD product.

    Edit with notepad

    search for 'sub GeneratePaymentSelection' you will see...
    sub GeneratePaymentSelection
    Insert a new line so it now reads...

    sub GeneratePaymentSelection
    my ($bHaveDDProducts) = shift @_;
    Search for 'foreach $nMethodID (@arrMethods)' you will see,,,
    foreach $nMethodID (@arrMethods)
    Insert 4 new lines after this so it now reads...

    foreach $nMethodID (@arrMethods)
    if ($bHaveDDProducts &&
    $$::g_pPaymentList{$nMethodID}{PAYMENT_TYPE} != 1)
    Save and Exit


    Search for 'GeneratePaymentSelection' you should see...
    @Response = ActinicOrder::GeneratePaymentSelection();
    Replace this line with...

    @Response = ACTINIC::GetDigitalContent($pCartList, $::TRUE);
    if ($Response[0] == $::FAILURE)
    return (@Response);
    my %hDDLinks = %{$Response[2]};
    @Response = ActinicOrder::GeneratePaymentSelection((keys %hDDLinks == 0) ?
    $::FALSE : $::TRUE);
    Search for 'GetDigitalContent' you should see...

    @Response = ACTINIC::GetDigitalContent($pCartList, $::TRUE);
    if ($Response[0] == $::FAILURE)
    return (@Response);
    my %hDDLinks = %{$Response[2]};
    Comment out this code so it reads...
    # @Response = ACTINIC::GetDigitalContent($pCartList, $::TRUE);
    # if ($Response[0] == $::FAILURE)
    # {
    # return (@Response);
    # }
    # my %hDDLinks = %{$Response[2]};
    Save and exit
    Upload the site

    Only PSP payment options will be offered if the cart contains any DD products.

    Please note all usual disclaimers apply. Actinic is not able to provide any detailed support for script changes made. If you find that there is a problem, an original copy of the script can be found within the 'Original' folder in your installation. Copy this into your site folder, replace the script you have changed and upload to you site. If you have a test facility, we strongly recommend that you test any changes before you upload them to your live site.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

