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Dreamweaver/Actinic bugs?

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    Dreamweaver/Actinic bugs?

    I'm not sure if the following are bugs or a problem at my end....

    1. I've created a couple of 1 column / 3 row tables in my layout in Dreamweaver, where the rows have image backgrounds, as a re-creation of those in the Clean CSS theme. The backgrounds show up fine on the server (see but not in Actinic's Content or Design views, or when I preview the site locally. All 3 images are in the Site1 folder and, as a precaution, also in the Preview_HTML folder.

    2. Changes made in Dreamweaver don't usually show up in Actinic when the layout file is first saved. However, if I then make an insignificant change, such as inserting a space somewhere then deleting it and saving again, the original changes then show in Actinic.

    Has anyone else experienced either of the above problems?

    ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth

    Same thing here - no reply to this possible bug yet??



      For the record, I'm seeing the same problem as well. I'm using Dreamweaver 8.0.2

      Andy Baddeley
      Head of Immersive
      NMI Security plc


        I initially had the same problem, but now things show correctly. That said, not 100% sure of how it was resolved as I have tried several approaches. Having completed the 1 day tutorial, I started by using a Dreamweaver file saved within my existing site. However, I found that it was 'pulling in' all the other files as well as resources. This led to file name conflicts.

        My next step was to create and save the file in the root of site1, edit the paths to any image files to link direct rather than as before in the images directory, and ensure the images were also present in Site1.

        That seemed to work and got me up and running. Now I am experiencing a large number of crashes as I attempt to tweak the layouts; mainly I believe caused by the linkage between the Dreamweaver master I created and Actinic.
        I learnt today that V 8.0.1 is about to be released that addresses these issues


          Hi Malcolm

          Just trying to create your problem, is it possible for you to send on of your layout with 3 graphics to "communityadmin [@] actinic", and I can take a look into this please.

          Kind Regards
          Nadeem Rasool
          SellerDeck Development


            Hi all, I'm new to Actinic but an old hand with dreamweaver. I'm having a lot of trouble getting a dreamweaver template to work in Actinic 8. The CSS is being read as everything is more or less in the right place but none of my background images are visible. Where should they go and how should they be referenced in the css ?
            As per PAB, there seems to be a lag between adding actinic tags in dreamweaver and it then appearing in actinic. Dreamweaver also throws occasional error messages on trying to save a page such as ' a shared violation has occured'

            Richard Gosler
            Richard Gosler
            Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
            Dorset, UK


              The files are on their way, Nadeem, many thanks.

              I've been thinking along the same lines as Paul, that maybe the Dreamweaver layout file, and the images, should be within the Site folder? I haven't had time to test the theory yet, but I will as soon as time permits.

              It might come to late for the job I was intending to use the layout for, though, as I have to hand it over to the client next week.

              ¤ The world wide web needn't cost the earth
              ¤ ARTISAN INTERNET LTD


                but none of my background images are visible
                place the image name within single quotes.

                ie background-image: url('image.gif');

                I tend to have all images in site1 too


                  Originally posted by pinbrook
                  place the image name within single quotes.

                  ie background-image: url('image.gif');

                  I tend to have all images in site1 too
                  I've done this. Put the images in the root folder with the html AND placed that folder within site1 and still, it refuses to display any images referenced within the css. any more ideas ? I've updated to V8.0.1 with no improvement either.
                  Richard Gosler
                  Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
                  Dorset, UK


                    Originally posted by pixelhaus
                    I've done this. Put the images in the root folder with the html AND placed that folder within site1 and still, it refuses to display any images referenced within the css. any more ideas ? I've updated to V8.0.1 with no improvement either.

                    but none of my background images are visible:

                    you have to place all the background images in the preview HTML directory as well. For previewing the site locally this will work. Keep the path as you have it CSS ie. background-image: url('image.gif');

                    for viewing on a website you will need to to upload files using Design>Additional Files. Navigate to their location and add. Then update your site.

                    Should now work....


                      Originally posted by jamesah
                      but none of my background images are visible:

                      you have to place all the background images in the preview HTML directory as well. For previewing the site locally this will work. Keep the path as you have it CSS ie. background-image: url('image.gif');

                      for viewing on a website you will need to to upload files using Design>Additional Files. Navigate to their location and add. Then update your site.

                      Should now work....
                      I'd figured this out when this came up and confirmed it. and what do you know? It works! To be honest, it should be in the release notes that accompany the product, not left to the end users to work out for themselves.
                      Richard Gosler
                      Phoenix Digital Media Ltd
                      Dorset, UK

