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Searching Variables

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    Searching Variables

    Hi All!
    I understood that you could add variables to a product which are searchable. I am working on a site for a office supplies company, and their printer refills are being added using the company's own reference number.
    I have added two new variables, one for the manufactures reference number and one for a list of printers that they are suitable for. The object of this was to make them searchable by someone who only knew their printer type or original refill code.
    I have set up the variable field to appear in the General tab of the product (which it does), where it can be filled in with no problem.
    In the properties for the variable I have selected "Product" as the group and the place of setting. It is set as Text which is allowed to be empty and searchable.
    BUT, when uploaded, none of the values in these fields give me a search result.
    Have I misunderstood how this works, or what have I done wrong?

    did you click searchable when you set the variable up

    to check go

    design -> libary -> Variables -> other -> NAME OF YOUR VARIABLE
    David Mawson
    Phoenix Trading - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


      I know I can have the variable appear in the Search page as an option, but if I was to list all available printers it would be huge. I wanted to add a list of matching printers to a product, using a user variable and then have the facility where users can just enter the name printer they want a refill for to get the right search result. But unless I list all the printers in the description the search doesn't pick them up.
      I understood that user variables were searchable, hence my confusion!



        Have you had a look at the Advanced Users Guide for v8? You can download the word version from the link on my signature. Look on page 73.

        If you have followed this guide and it is still not working then I would suggest raising a support issue so that someone can investigate this further. Support ticket @

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          I've read the guide, and know that you can include your user variables as drop downs in the search pages.
          My problem is that what I want to do is put additional information into my user variables when adding a new product (additional supplier OEM code, a list of printers that the refills are suitable for etc). Rather than including a drop down menu for the variable, I just want them to show up when a user runs a search using the standard text search field.
          Can you tell me if Actinic should be able to do this?


            Yes, this is possible... I created a variable and hid it in the product layout and made it searchable....entered value at product level, and when I search by the value name, it returns the correct set of products.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              I see that you use the term "hid it in the product layout". Does this mean that I need to add the variable/s to the product page as a hidden form object?


                I would create a new Condition "VisibleDropDownList" containing something like
                (<actinic:variable name="AttributeName" /> != "hidden")
                then use that in a block around the Standard Drop Down Attribute. This way no code will be genrated if the Attribute is called "hidden".
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  My problem is that I have two bits of information that I wish to have searchable. One is the OEM code, which is visible on the page the other is a list of printers which will be invisible. At the moment, I have a demo set up which displays the OEM code, which is a user variable. BUT, if you then search for this you get no results, and for the life of me I can't see why!


                    I have raised a support issue about this problem as Bruce suggested. I will post their response. In the meatime, if anyone out there has a solution....!


                      Here's how to do what I suggested above, regarding using a hidden list of choices to contain your internal references.

                      1) Replace layout Standard Drop Down Attribute which is usually
                      <span class="text_options"><Actinic:Variable Name="AttributeDisplayLabel"/></span>
                      <br />
                      <actinic:variable name="ChoiceList" value="Drop Down Choice List" />
                      <actinic:variable name="AttributeSeparator" />
                      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22AttributeDisplayLabel%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%27hidden%27" >
                      <span class="text_options"><Actinic:Variable Name="AttributeDisplayLabel"/></span>
                      <br />
                      <actinic:variable name="ChoiceList" value="Drop Down Choice List" />
                      <actinic:variable name="AttributeSeparator" />	
                      This will cause no code to be generated for any Attribute called hidden.

                      Now for your products create an Attribute called hidden and give it Choices for each internal part number that you have. These will now be searchable but nothing will show on the product page or cart.

                      Note that in testing this I discovered an Actinic buglet. You have to put your text into the Choices HTML for Name field as !!<part-number>!!
                      Norman -
                      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                        Where do I edit the code for this? Can't seem to find it in any of the library layouts or variables.


                          Design / Library / Layouts / Attributes / Standard Drop Down Attribute
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            Okay Norman,
                            • I've changed the drop down attribute, using the code you sent me.
                            • I've created a new text variable called "hidden" and chosen to have it appear in my product general tab.
                            • I have then added a value for this variable in the product "!!<marko>!!" and saved the product and uploaded the site.

                            The dropdown box still appears (with the <!! !!> tags) and although the search works if you use the drop down box, the search will not work using the standard seacrh text field.
                            I'm sorry, but this is very frustrating!


                              You're not following the instructions.

                              You create a normal product.

                              Then give it an Attribute called "hidden"

                              Now add Choices for each hidden keyword (within !!< and >!!) in the HTML for Name field.
                              Norman -
                              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

