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actinic on a keyfob

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    actinic on a keyfob


    Is anyone running actinic on a keyfob? I work in two locations and need to take my actinic with me. I was going to install it onto my keyfob and then just take that with me so I can receive orders and make changes etc.

    Can I do this or would the registry get in the way of things (i.e. are there things stored in the regsitry that need to move also?). If this was the case, can I install twice onto both PCs (to the same keyfob location) so that the registry is correct and then go ahead an use the keyfob?


    I Know they are happy for you to use two computers with one set of software licence for development of one site on one computer and online of the same site with the other

    But to use both online as it were I think you would have to talk to sales
    Chris Ashdown


      I have several shops that run the way you describe with no problems.


        Thanks guys, that'll make life a lot easier.. just have to remember to make a back up frequently, wouldnt want to loose that fob <!>.



          Dont forget to set a very strong password protection for the fob itself just in case you do lose it

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            And remember that very few USB memory sticks are designed for repeated read /write operations. You'll be hammering the stick by running Actinic and an Access database off it.

            You may want to consider portable hard disk instead. Pocket 3.5" ones are pretty small.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              I do this as I like to sometimes take work home and do download orders from both the office and home. One thing I have noticed though is that if I upload at the office and then take the snapshop home and work on it, when I take the new snapshot back to the office I have to refresh everytime and this is a pain in the butt for sites that have over 5000 products.

              Is this something that can be got around?
              Fitness for life!

              DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

              The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements


                Originally posted by Owen Drumm
                Is this something that can be got around?
                Owen: I was planning on running off the actual key itself (like I do with thunderbird/firefox etc) so that the data is always as is no matter where I am.

                Thanks everyone! I am going to try it. My actinic folder is currently running at about 220mb so I am going to test the whole thing out on my small fob to see what happens.

                I use quite a good program for my encryption on my fobs: TrueCrypt - its an open source one. Highly recommended as you can install it on both machines and set it up automatically so you just plug in and go and you don't even notice its encrypted. For actinic you would put it in the encrypted partition and all other apps in the non encrypted bit. That way actinic only works on approved machiens, but everything else is ok if you happen to need email or something when at a cybercafe.



                  Paul - how did you get on with this? Did you install on two PCs, or simply instal from one PC and then carry round to others (ie no registry problems)? Presumably you just run catalog.exe on the keyfob?

                  PS another vote for Truecrypt - it's brilliant - you could probably also use a U3 keyfob, which is password protected.

                  Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                    Originally posted by Owen Drumm
                    I do this as I like to sometimes take work home and do download orders from both the office and home. One thing I have noticed though is that if I upload at the office and then take the snapshop home and work on it, when I take the new snapshot back to the office I have to refresh everytime and this is a pain in the butt for sites that have over 5000 products.

                    Is this something that can be got around?
                    I tried this - with result as above, so gave up. It had to be something to do with the PC on which it was running, not the IP address or anything. What I do now is bring the whole PC home - OK similar to using a laptop I suppose (but don't like that idea).

                    I have a neat little pc from ebuyer & just unplug the whole thing (each night if I feel inclined, & definitely every week-end) - take it away & plug it into a monitor/keyboard/mouse that lives at home - it takes less than 30 seconds to connect the plugs & no need to do up the screws.

                    Obviously I backup regularly onto removeable media as well. The snag is I can't take it on holiday. But (I have not looked at it) wouldn't actinet fix that?
           - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                    Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


                      Logmein will save you carting it around and can be used from any internet connection.


                        a vote for logmein here aswell
                        been using it for years very secure
                        Remembering the road to Actinic enlightenment is a long and sometimes painful one.
                        Current project:
                        Something for the Missus,Something for the Weekend


                          So, is anyone currently running Actinic off a keyfob and moving it between PCs (not a snapshot) without problems? Mal?

                          Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


                            Thank you!

                            Originally posted by drounding
                            Logmein will save you carting it around and can be used from any internet connection.
                            Brilliant, thank you, and speaking to you now from 25 miles away from the PC that I left switched on when I left the office.

                            Amazing, now have to think of how I can make use of it, this is a new experience. Have already made a small change to my website, uploaded (didn't take any longer than usual) checked from home to see that it had worked, and performed a backup remotely.

                            Just have to work out how to copy that backup file across the ether.... and direct stuff to local printer.... it looks like it's possible. All working across three pc's in less than an hour including the journey.

                            Cannot thank you enough for introducing me to this, possibilities look endless. No more downloading emails multiple times at home & office to see what's going on - (possibly, like MSExchange(?), preventing different members of staff from answering the same dozy question) - lugging the website PC around (thanks, Duncan - though that did have a security/theft excuse) or being incommunicado from Actinic Content and/or Sage Accounts when on holiday.

                            May I suggest as a conclusion to this thread:

                            1) Working from a keyfob may be unsuitable/unworkable as (i) flashdrives cannot cope with repeated R/W (ii) differing base locations cause the upload to totally refresh, at great length.

                            2) Working from an external hard-drive, though more reliable, will have the same issue, as I have discovered.

                            3) Storing the software on one PC but accessing it remotely has greater benefits.

                   - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                            Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


                              4th September 2006:

                              Originally posted by RuralWeb
                              I have several shops that run the way you describe with no problems.
                              20th February 2008:

                              Originally posted by MarkH
                              I think maybe not.

                              I hadn't realised that this thread was started so long ago.
                     - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

                              Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.

