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Fragment Layout

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    Fragment Layout


    Does anyone know how to force the fragments in sections to always be 1 / colomn.

    i.e. if i set product colomn count to 2 then the fragments follow the same layout.

    I have tried using the adv ug tip for fragment layout but this still does not solve the problem..

    Any thoughts would be greatly apreciated.

    Thanks in advance


    Hi Julian

    Please can you let us know which tip from the Advanced User's guide you used, because I looked through the guide for version 8 and I cannot find a workaround(unless I did not look properly)

    Please let us know so we can test this out to see what's causing the problem
    Kiran Chandran
    Technical Support - SellerDeck

    Further help can also be found at


      Fragment seperate from products

      Here is what I tried

      Displaying Fragments Separately From Products
      By default, fragments within a section are laid out by the 'Standard Product List' layout (or the 'Product List With Horizontal Dividers' layout if you are using that one). So therefore all fragments and products are laid out as a single list.
      It is possible though to create a list that just does products, and a list that just does fragments, and then include them in different parts of your design.
      To begin, you need to find out what kind of product list layout you are using. To do this:
      1. Go to 'Settings | Site Options | Layout'
      2. Under the 'Product' sub-heading, locate the 'Product List Layout' field.
      3. Make a note of the layout that is selected in the field.
      You can now edit this layout.
      1. Now go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and expand the 'Product Lists' group.
      2. Right-click on the list layout you are using in your store and select 'New Layout'.
      3. Give the new layout a name of 'Section Fragment List' and click 'OK'.
      4. Double-click on this layout to edit it.
      5. Delete everything in this layout down to line '15' (i.e. remove the references to 'ProductLayout' but leave the references to 'FragmentLayout').

      6. Click 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
      7. Now double-click on the product list layout that your store is using.
      8. Delete everything AFTER line 15 (i.e. remove the references to 'FragmentLayout' but leave the references to 'ProductLayout')
      9. Click 'Apply' and then 'OK'.
      You have now created two different layouts. Your next job is to include those layouts into the design of your section pages.
      10. Close the library and switch to the 'Design' tab.
      11. Make sure you are looking at a section that contains both fragments and products. You should find that the fragments within the section are not appearing.
      12. Click anywhere within the main part of the section page (e.g. on a product).
      13. Press the 'Navigate to parent layout' button (yellow spiral with up arrow) until you are in a layout called something like 'Standard Section Page' or 'Section Page With Section Name At The Top'.
      14. Within this layout, locate the pink 'ProductList' selector:

      This shows you where your products are being inserted into the design. You can move this to a different location within the layout if you want.
      To insert your list of fragments into the design:
      1. Click the 'Insert Layout' button -
      2. From the top list select 'ProductList' and select 'Use Fixed Layout'.
      3. From the bottom list select 'Section Fragment List' and click 'Insert'.
      This will insert the list of fragments into the design.

      Thanks for your help


