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layouts not obeying me

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    layouts not obeying me

    please see


    the site is set to use parent layouts....

    this is what I've done so far...

    upgraded to 8.02
    check all layouts to ensure they use parent
    reset layout to factory default
    changed layout used
    removed all html pages from webserver
    refreshed the site
    cleared cache
    checked database
    compacted database

    Run out of ideas now.

    Site is built from 3 original sites, optimist section is the original site, 49er was imported using Hierarcial import, laser was imported using flat file

    Additionally this site does not local preview using the css file, i have to upload to webspace to see the changes when I change css

    It looks like those product layouts use floats.
    Try altering the product list settings so that there is an element with a style="clear:both;" after each product.
    Of course, this might break the rest of the page layout if it uses floats itself. To avoid having all products fall after _any_ other floats on the page you can enclose the product list itself in a floated element, such as a div.

    <div style="float:left;">
    <div class="product">
    This is a product layout somehow involving floats.
    <br style="clear:both;"/>
    <div class="product">
    This is a product layout somehow involving floats.
    <br style="clear:both;"/>
    <div class="product">
    This is a product layout somehow involving floats.
    <br style="clear:both;"/>

    ..Hope that helps.


      Thanks for that - I'll look at code changes to make tweaks after I have resolved the overall problem of why the same layout is rending different sections/products differently.

      Given that I am using a standard actinic layout without changes which should cascade through all sections/products


        Sorry, I guess I missed the main problem
        Well, here's a guess:
        It certainly seems as though two different layout _are_ being used.. one with a table, one without.. try playing with the appearance settings for the product list layout selector in the layout code... see if setting a fixed layout helps.


          Ok I see where you are coming from

          if anyone else has a problem with a specific layout element, they try selecting a fixed layout in the appearance settings of the selector; it seems whatever automatic layout selection is supposed to be done by selectors sometimes breaks...
          The layout I want to use is the css one, I changed to the table one to try to force the change throughout all sections. but the css layout is being persistant.

          i can't find anything at the top level to allow me to choose fixed layout, I;m using the site options/layouts on the settings menu, rather than code


            Anyone got any ideas.. this project has now ground to a halt...


              Odd. In earlier versions of actinic I'd suggest checking the product template.

              Presumably there must be a layout selector at the product level that you could check.

              Of course, all this is from someone who hasn't had a real go with V8 yet so I could be talking complete and utter nonsense. Just seeing if I can help.


              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                Not sure if I am helping here but I have an almost identical problem.
                Take a look at this site in early development.
                Click the "Beef Joints" link.
                Note what happens to the Left side navigation.
                (This is how it should look).
                Also the width of the Main layout below the header.
                (This is not how it should look).
                Now click the Beef Joint image.
                The new page has again lost the spaces between the Section links.
                However, the width is now fixed.

                I have tried everything I can for days now but I can't resolve it.
                It looks as though it is a combination of the use of CSS, DIVs and Tables.
                This originally used the "Two Header Bars - Two Sidebars - Horiz Page List" clean layout.
                The main body looks to use style "bulk" but this does not exist in the stylesheet.
                However, it appears to be picking up a 10 pixel padding around the "INNERLAYOUT".
                Taking "bulk" out has no effect.

                I hope you guys sort your problem out then I can fix mine.

                Please forgive me in advance if I don't respond for a few days.


                  Hi Jo

                  You've got two different product lists being used on the two sections - one with horizontal dividers and one without. I'm wondering whether this would have an effect.

                  First of all, go into the 'Layout' tab of both sections and ensure the 'Product List Layout' field is set to 'Use Parent'.

                  Then I would suggest going to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and look in the 'Product Lists' group and ensure that none of the product list layouts there are using a 'Fixed Layout' - i.e. make sure that the pink layout selectors in the layouts all say either 'ProductLayout' or 'FragmentLayout'.

