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Ok - Dont Laugh, But Does Anyone Know How To...

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    Ok - Dont Laugh, But Does Anyone Know How To...

    ...alter the order of the product sections?
    When I add a new section it always goes to the top of the section list.
    How on earth do I then move it down the list to the position I want?

    I've read the guide but cant see the answer.

    In case anyone wants to see the site Im working on for reference, its :

    Just drag and drop in the Content Tree. You may find it easier to select all the sections above where you want to put it then drag that lot into the top-level. Your section will now be below that lot.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      ok - that does work (kinda).

      Dont mean to be over critical and I may be missing something very obvious, but the way in which this works is pretty poor. Considering this is a fundemental operation that Im guessing everyone will want to do, it doesnt work that well.
      I can only get it to work by dragging a section to it's parent (i.e. the Online Catalogue level). This then puts it at the top of the sections list.
      However, if I want to do something as simple as move a product section from the top of the list to the middle, this requires a huge amount of juggling.

      Like I said - maybe Im just missing something?


        This may be cleaner.

        Right click the Section you want to move and choose Cut.

        Now right-click the section you want to place it below and choose Paste.

        Also holding Shift while dragging prevents the Section being placed within the target Section - it gets placed below.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Another key tip for re-ordering sections in Content Tree ...

          hold SHIFT key down whilst dragging. This allows you to MOVE a section without it automatically becoming a sub-section of your target.

          Only took me 4 years to find this out (all that unnecessary cutting/pasting and 'bubble sorts' to move sub-sections around), and AFAIK it's not mentioned in any of the Actinic documentation (Hint: Chris), although it could be argued that this use of the SHIFT key is part of the Windows paradigm!

          p.s. works for all versions of Actinic, not just v8.

          Paul Tanner


            It's in the V7 and V8 (I didn't look in V6) Help for "Moving Sections" where all methods are comprehensively covered. I.e.
            Note: If you drag a section and drop it onto another section, the section will be created as a sub-section. If you want the section to be created at the same level, then you must hold down [Shift] whilst dragging and dropping.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Thanks Norman - right as ever!

              Paul T.


                cheers guys....sorted.


                  To save all this time just click the section where you want your section to go after and then create your section and it will create the section after that section. Also Mole End have an Actinic sort tool that can sort products, sections and subsections in order at the click of a mouse. It's a great piece of software.
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