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Product preview layout

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    Product preview layout

    Still looking for ideas........

    Does anybody use any way of display a small picture and basic info on a product between section and product? I have a section called glassware, a sub-section called tankards and then my individual products. These appear in all their glory and options, but take up a lot of space, which means a lot of scrolling through pages. The only way suggested so far is to make each product another sub-section - anyone got any other ideas? There may only be a dozen or so tankards, but there are scores of football trophies!

    OK I'll sub-section them all!

    Got up early to take a resh look and decided maybe sub-sections are the only sensible option!
    Have Used Glassware as section, Tankards as sub-section, then the different tankards as sub-sections again wth a thumbnail and just the price in the description. Will now add products to each tankard sub-section.
    Each tankard comes in two sizes and has the option of engraving or not. That bit is straightforward ith drop down choices and prompt for data. However it also has the option of an engraved base and/or a satin box. I also want to offer gift-wrapping and posting to recipient. As there is only space for one prompt for message and I have the option of three I think I will have to add the base, box and wrapping as related links, but this means clicking on 3 or 4 'add to cart buttons' per product.
    Any ideas on this one - don't want much do I! By the way this is my first website build so treat me gently!


      If you are using one product per Section, you can expand that to include the various sub-items (base, Box, etc) as additional products. Then use the Single Add to Cart button (click the Section / Page Settings / uncheck Use Parent / check Single Add to Cart...).
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Thanks Norman

        I'll try it out this evening and see how it works. Sounds good.

