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Problems Viewing Site with Firefox

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    Problems Viewing Site with Firefox

    Hi All,

    Once again I need some help. I have uploaded a test and have been working on it for a few days, however I have up until now only been viewing the site in IE now after taking a look in Firefox.............Oh Dear!

    Please take a look and see if you can help
    Many Thanks
    Landscape Garden Machinery, Power Tools and Safety Equipment

    Haven't got the time to plough through the code at the moment but quite often that type of page layout error come from declared widths - Firefox is more keen on the adding up of widths than IE and can force what appears to be a "clear"


    container = 700px wide
    product area = 500px wide
    left navigation = 220px wide

    the extra 20px is enough to kill the layout (these are for illustration and not from your site)

    Don't forget that margins, borders and widths are all going towards the overall size and are measured slightly differently in IE to FF

    Viewing the CSS using FF developer plugin does not show an awful lot of CSS in there!!!!

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks Jonty,

      I have had a look but cant seem to find what is going on. I changed the logo size and looked at it in firefox and its better as now all the menu and sections are side by side as in IE, however the menu at the top (in IE it sits under the logo) is now being pushed to the centre on the same level as the logo when viewing in firefox.

      I have not changed any of the design, all I did was change the theme after importing a snapshot of the old site.

      Again any help would be great!
      Many Thanks
      Landscape Garden Machinery, Power Tools and Safety Equipment


        Hi Lee

        I've had a look at this today and the sites look identical in IE and Firefox. Have you got them as you want them now then?


          Sorry Chris,

          Yes I found the height adjustment for the header, adjusted the size and all worked, Many thanks for your time.
          Many Thanks
          Landscape Garden Machinery, Power Tools and Safety Equipment

