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Promble using Related Items

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    Promble using Related Items

    This is the message we keep getting...
    Designer - <site name>: Catalog.exe - Application Error

    The instruction at "0x7dcc4e7a" referenced memory at "0x0000008", The memory could not be "written".

    I have now cleard every thing out of our template bar the basics and now tried the 2 actinic variable below and it stiff GPF what going on all I had

    <actinic:variable name="ProductAlsoBoughtList" />
    <!--Remove this if you dont want the list as well//-->
    <actinic:variable name="ProductRelatedProductsList" />

    And it still died, I compacted and repaired the database using access 97 and still crashing I like some insite what to look for next...

    Old stuff
    Seam to have a problem on one of the templates with using the following,

    <actinic:variable name="ProductAlsoBoughtList" />
    <!--Remove this if you dont want the list as well//-->
    <actinic:variable name="ProductRelatedProductsList" />

    Every time I try and use it actanic dies and GFP i have to go in and copy the backup database back before I can get it to work.

    Is it a tmplate or db problem. I tried it with the basic site that comes in the site 1 folder and it works. So it not an actinic problem it a site problem any one any ideas.

    Also dose it make any diffrence where in the tamplate for tha page where the product is placed.

    I put it under then main product hopping to use it as a related product list. Insted of having to use fragments.

    We are using a custom tamplate could this by why it is dieing on it ass all the time...

    any one from actinic help with this one!


    I cannot help you I'm afraid. I think you need to register an email support query at as one of the team will need to take a look at your layouts and see what is causing a problem.

    I presume you have run a 'Design | Check Coding Errors'? Did this run without a crash? If so - what were the errors you received?

