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Inner Layout width problems

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    Inner Layout width problems

    I have a three column DW design registered in Actinic. (For those into CSS-P, it's a faux column design.) Centre column available width is 436px, and I have placed the Inner Layout here. However, the centre column seems to be getting cleared to below the content of the side columns.

    Firefox is OK for simple brochure pages with text (multi-lines), but product pages have the section name at the top (OK) then the solid line and following breadcrumb and product lines are down below the side bar content (not OK).

    IE and the Actinic preview show all content below the side bar content.

    Commenting out the div class="solid_line_blue" line fixes Firefox, but not IE or the Actinic preview.

    I have set widths to 436 in the Site Options (width for main area, width of section list, and width of product list) and also in the library (product list width, and section list width - both for initial and top level).

    Is there further control for the horizontal dividers somewhere?

    have you got any frags in there, if you have check to sea if they are using parent or other layout that may fix the problem, it did for me when i was having problems with our test actinic 8 site.

    hope that helps.



      In 'Settings | Site Options | General | Site', Check to see what value you have against 'Width for Main Area', change to 435. You will also have to look at the Layout Tab, look under 'Product' for 'Width of Product List', change the value here too.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King

