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Fragment Position on the page with related products

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    Fragment Position on the page with related products

    Fragment Position on the page with related products

    I have a problem with fragments positioning.

    What I currently have is

    -Related Product

    And what I would like is
    -Related Products

    Surly there a way of doing this as we uses frags for extra info about products, authors ect and it looks silly with related products then starting on about the product again.

    I tried moving them around all I get is nothing or it kills Actinic and I have to go back to a backup.

    It just feel like I am banging my head against the wall.

    This is not possible to do. The related items belong to the product, so they have to appear as part of the product details. There is no way to slip another content item (the fragment) in between.

    I suggest you maybe customise your product layout to include the extra content that you are currently including via the fragment e.g. you could use the 'Extended Info Text' and 'Extended Info Image' underneath your standard product data.


      Thanks chris, we have to have a look at a diffrent way of doing our site.

