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How to stop 'shipping to another address?' option appearing?

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    How to stop 'shipping to another address?' option appearing?

    Where is the option in v8 to turn off the following option in the checkout stage?

    'If you want to ship the purchase to an address other than the invoice address, check this box.'

    We had this disabled in 7 but for some reason it is back in 8 and I can't figure out how to stop the option appearing.

    Anyone know?


    That would be in 'Design | Text | Web Site(Cont) | Invoice Address' Scroll down the page till you see 'If you want the delivery address to be different from the invoice address, please check this box:', this should have a check mark under 'show', uncheck and click on 'Apply' then 'OK' and update teh site.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce, that option isn't ticked, however, when people go to our store - it still asks them.

      Any other thoughts?


        I've seen a bug in v8 that means if you do an import, it can affect which pages are uploaded to the store - and it can mean that changes you make in 'Design | Text' appear to have no effect on the online store.

        The way I found to fix this was to go into the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' database (if you have Access) and then delete the entire contents of the 'FileList' tabe. Take a backup of the db before you attempt this. This should reset the upload and show the updated checkout page correctly when you next upload.

        If you don't have Microsoft Access, you can always register an email support query at and the team can do it for you.


          Hi Charles,

          Do you know if this bug will be fixed in 8.03?

          Thanks - Ben


            Also, just tried to do this in Access but it tells me I need to upgrade the database to the latest version of Access (as it was made in an earlier version) before I can save the table. Is it OK to do this?


              Also, just tried to do this in Access but it tells me I need to upgrade the database to the latest version of Access (as it was made in an earlier version) before I can save the table. Is it OK to do this?
              Please don't do this. Access doesn't need to upgrade the database if there is just a data change. It only needs to upgrade the database if you have made a change to the structure/layout of the database - which you shouldn't do as this can stop Actinic from working.


                I have the same problem as Ben, box is unchecked and it just wont go away. Even after deleting the contents of the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' file and re-upping all files...any other suggestions?


                  It seems that none of the options in my design|text are working anymore. Would this be fixed in the beta release? I really need that PO number back.

                  I like this software but cant afford to spend so much time on little problems like this when I should be adding product. I do appreciate the evaluation period but it seems that this release is a little buggy?


                    It seems that a lot of people are having problems with their design|text settings not being applied.

                    Is there another work-around for this? I tried installing the beta version and nada.

                    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


                      Any suggestions would be appreciated.
                      If you have Microsoft Access, you can open up your ActinicCatalog.mdb file, and then clear out all the rows in the 'FileList' table. This resets it and will upload your latest changes.


                        I have tried this with no success, I have also tried deleting the entire site and re-upping, still nothing.

                        Is it possible that when deleting the contents of ActinicCatalog.mdb|FileList that Actinic loads backup.mdb|filelist or previous.mdb|filelist when it finds the contents of the first one empty? I notice that all three contain the same information.


                          Sorry that didn't work - that did work OK for me. You probably had better register an email support request at and get them to fix your db to stop this from happening.


                            Mmm, I sent a support request days about this but not heard anything back.

                            I also tried everything bluemax did


                              Hi Ben

                              Sorry for the delay you've experienced. Support is super-busy at the moment, so it is probably worth chasing up your query via email.

