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changing fragment positioning

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    changing fragment positioning

    Hi, I'm using Actinic 8 and am in smart theme. I would like to place a fragment above 1 or 2 rows of products (with 2 columns) however my fragment is positioned to the left of the first product. I do not want this - I would like the fragment text width to cover 100% width of the editable area and for the products to come entirely below this. Have tried changing the layout both in content and design views but can't seem to do this (when changing to a px value the whole area jumps below the sidebars in order for it to have the width necessary for fragment + product.)

    Thanks in advance


    Had the same problem

    Wow, I can't believe I'm actually able to answer a question for once instead of always asking them!

    The answer is on page 21 of the advanced user guide "displaying fragments seperately from products".
    Ruth Hibberd
    Http:// Web Design and Development


      I knew it was too good to be true!

      I managed to get the fragment displaying across the top the of the two product columns but this only works if there is only one fragment. As soon as I add a second fragment they appear in two columns.

      You can see this on site i'm working on at the moment at

      The clothing page shows how I want them to appear above the products but the news page shows what happens when there are two fragments or more.

      Also, there is an empty space in the top line of the products so that the first product appears in the right hand column.

      Does anyone know how to resolve either of these issues please?
      Ruth Hibberd
      Http:// Web Design and Development


        In the library, you need to edit the product list that you created just to display the fragments. Then click the 'Edit List Layout Settings' button, change to the 'Edit Rows and Columns' tab and change the 'No of Items' column in the grid to be '1'.

        Not sure what to do about the gap in the 2-column product list. That's caused as the list wants to lay out the fragment but can't, as you removed the references to the 'FragmentLayout' variable. Maybe you could change the 'Edit Rows and Columns' tab of the product list to always display a single column just for the first row - and then use that row for a 'headline' product.


          Much better

          Thanks Chris

          I changed the "edit rows and columns" so that the first row of the productlist only showed one product across the two columns and bizarrely the problem with the empty space has gone! I now get two products on all lines, first one as well!

          Not the result I expected but I'm happy with it!
          Ruth Hibberd
          Http:// Web Design and Development

