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Stylesheets & Directory Url Relationships

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    Stylesheets & Directory Url Relationships


    I'm new to actinic so forgive me newbie-ness - taking me a while to get used to the way i have to edit code.

    One question:

    I started off with a theme and am slowly changing the stylesheet to change things to how i want them. In the Actinic Stylesheet I have changed the navbar background to a repeat-x image (e.g. images/navbar_bg.gif) but I had to put in ../images/navbar_bg.gif because the page preview comes from a folder which is on another level (PreviewHTML directory). Will this cause problems when I publish the site (because I assume the pages will then go to the root directory, not the PreviewHTML directory?

    That maybe a poor explanation but I can't get it out any other way!

    Thanks for any help in advance.

    Ah, just uploaded a sample site to webspace to see what happens and I notice that regardless what folders you place images in on your system, actinic moves all the files to the same folder (acatalog) with no directory structure and changes stylesheet's relative urls etc. to suit the new layout.

    I wonder though, is it possible to make actinic create some form of structure for the site to make it more easily navigable in FTP? i.e. images folders etc?



      That is one for the wishlist I think. I will add in a vote for you.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King

