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HELP! Images / Dreamweaver / Actinic / Preview.

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    HELP! Images / Dreamweaver / Actinic / Preview.

    Hi again!

    I don't get Actinic sometimes - ok, so this is my first website with the 'Designer' package, but it just seems to me to be over complicated sometimes. Ok, so maybe my gripe should be with the 'manuals' that I have painstakingly printed and bound, but I just can't find the basics anywhere.

    I need to add an image to the bottom of the 'SiteRoot_index.html' file. So, I load it into Dreamweaver, add my image, save it in the relevant SiteHTML folder (along with the image), and I just can't see it. WHERE IS IT!! Where am I going wrong?

    Can someone help again?

    Much appreciate
    Simon Williams
    Actinic Designer v.

    Hi Simon,

    This is my first time with Actinic and this is what I have done!

    Created two folders, one for images and one for photos. I have located the folders under the main folder

    • Site 1
    • Common
    • CommonOCC
    • Images
    • Photos

    Now have a look in Dreamweaver. If Dreamweaver has written some code like this example <img src="../photos/bangles.jpg" alt="Bangles" width="107" height="107"></td>

    Remove the .. so it should be like this <img src="/photos/bangles.jpg" alt="Bangles" width="107" height="107"></td>

    Hope this makes sense?


      Hi Simon

      I think perhaps the reason you are battling with Actinic so much is that you are trying to use the software in a way that it has not designed to be used.

      You are saving the preview files and then registering them as Actinic designs via DW and this will not work correctly.

      The workflow detailed in the docs is:

      1) Create a custom design with Dreamweaver
      2) Register it as an Actinic design
      3) Insert in all the Actinic bits needed to make the design work with Actinic
      4) And future tweaks to the design you make in Dreamweaver to the originally-registered design file.

      You should not be doing anything to the preview files. These are just to show you what the results are. You need to go back and edit the file you originially registered with Dreamweaver to make changes.

      If you are using a theme (which I think you are) then you don't use Dreamweaver at all. All your design changes need to be made to the layouts in Actinic. You can access all of these by clicking on the preview in the 'Design' tab in Actinic. Pages 59-88 of the Starter Guide (Help | Starter Guide) will take you through how to use this tab.


        Ok, thanks for your input guys ...
        Simon Williams
        Actinic Designer v.

