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Purchase Order No:?

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    Purchase Order No:?

    I want to assign customers' purchase order numbers. However, when I process an order offline, I cannot find any field for inputting the customer's purchase order no. although when I print out the invoice and the packing list the documents show a field for the purchase order no., which makes me think that there is a dedicated field for this data.

    I know I could use the "Other info" question in the product properties, however we use this field for something else already, and even if we did use "other info", the purchase order no. would not show up in the field that shows on the printed invoice/delivery note.

    Where is the field for purchase order no?

    This field can be enabled for the online store in 'Design | Text | Web Site (cont) | Payment Details'. You cannot enter a value for it while you are creating the new order in the Wizard, but once the new order is created, you can assign the purchase order number in the 'Misc' tab of the order.

