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How do customers register????

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    How do customers register????


    I've uploaded a test site yet there seems to be o way to register. If i go to the login page it says "click to start shopping" but then even at checkout there is no registration.

    How do people register?


    Well if it's anything like v7 they don't - you have to do it manually, which is a crappy way of doing it but that's the way it is...

    I thought this was going to be fixed in v8?


      Wha'?! Really!!!

      So if you're taking 300 orders per day from a new business you have to register them all yourself?! That's crazy!

      What is the point in people registering anyway? What do they/we (the seller) gain from it apart from a mailing list? Can the whole login function be scrubbed? I'm not adding everyone myself!



        That's crazy!
        Well I am Crazy Dave!

        that's the way it is in v7. but the accounts are designed really for business to business so most people don't use accounts. but that makes it difficult to identify returning customers...

        And if you're getting 300 orders per day you'd be pretty lucky!

        ps. was that you just clicked on the 'live chat' button on my site? If so did you see me saying hello? I've had a few instances today where people can't seem to see what I'm typing... but then it could just be that they pressed the button to see what would happen and then ran off...


          What is the point in people registering anyway? What do they/we (the seller) gain from it apart from a mailing list? Can the whole login function be scrubbed? I'm not adding everyone myself!
          Yep - you can scrap the whole thing by going to 'Business Settings | Ordering'.

          De-select 'Allow Orders From Customer Accounts' and 'Enable Repeat Orders From Customer Accounts'.

          THat will remove the whole login feature. You can still generate mailing lists in the 'Marketing | Mailing Lists' window if you want.


            Hi there

            As mentioned in previous thread, to have customer register online would require an online database. Currently this is being investigated for a future release but will not appear in v8. v8 is a static website shop, for customer creation, you would need to use php and an online database (MySQL) which Actinic currently doesn't do. Check out the advance user guide to see a way of getting customer to create their own account.

            Kind Regards
            Nadeem Rasool
            SellerDeck Development


              grand... cheers for the combined info guys... i'm now refreshed and ready to get stuck back in! I'm a new purchaser and i'm very very very slowly getting into this but bloody hell... its a pretty thorough package!


                to have customer register online would require an online database. Currently this is being investigated for a future release
                Ahhhhhhh - does this mean that Actinic is headed the database route


                  Ahhhhhhh - does this mean that Actinic is headed the database route
                  We know that online databases would suit some people better, and offline databases would suit others better. If we do ever introduce an online database, it will be as an option - rather than us forcing all customers to start using online databases.


                    it will be as an option
                    Good move Chris


                      there seem to be lots of advantages to the online DB route (just about all the big feature requests can't be implemented without it), so why the aversion to it? what are the big advantages of the current model?


                        so why the aversion to it? what are the big advantages of the current model?
                        The big plus is how well V7 and V8 do on the search engines because of the static html pages, switching to a database generated site will decrease the SE performance of Actinic. This is the main reason I use Actinic but if there is going to be the option to ignore the database version then there will be no problem as far as I am concerned - customer accounts etc are IMO a big turn off for shoppers so I never use them.

