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Product Listings and Extened Information...

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    Product Listings and Extened Information...


    I am new to Actinic and at the moment I am still trying to get a "feel" of the overall system.

    I have read posts on this forum and some articles on the kb that have been helpful but my query still remains.

    NOTE: I've seen the solution to my problem implemented on other actinic sites and I am confident that it is easily achiveable - I just need some clarification

    I am attempting to create a "product listings" page so that the user sees a grid of products (images and text ontop) and then clicks on them to goto to more detailed purchase options.

    I am aware that this is possible using the "Extended Information with Add to cart button" method?


    -> I know that new products can be created you can associate attributes/choices with them.

    -> However it seems that the extinfo page simply "mirrors"/"replicates" what attributes/choices are on the original product page and places them within itself?

    -> So if there are no attributes/choices on "product listings" page then the extinfo will have none either?

    So my point is that, I am trying to show "less" information on the "product listings" page (which is just a section) whilst having detailed purchase options (attributes/choices the qty box and add to cart button) available on the extinfo window

    Where have I gone wrong ?

    This is ALL under the assumption "Extended Information with Add to cart button" is the standard method for creating a "product listings" page that will direct the user to detailed purchase options!

    I hope I've accurately explained my problem

    Your help is appreciated


    The way it was done prior to v8 was to create sections, with a product in each section, so you called the section the same name as the product which resided within it...

    This provides very basic info on image, title and a description as per section layouts, which then connects onto the product with all of the components and attributes/choices.

    With v8, you can have all the products in a compact form (hiding the attributes) and then use the extended format.

    Downside is a single page of all the products, which means the sitemap is smaller, as the old way produced a page in the sitemap per product, but each way has ups and downs.

    So, if you want to stick with product onto extended, then for the first level of the product use or customize a compact product layout as per your needs, then extend onto the full one, or go the 1 product within 1 section rule, which is good if you do not want the options on it also.

