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Checkout not bouncing

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    Checkout not bouncing

    Actinic was working fine until I noticed sales had dropped drasticly.
    After trying the cart it does not bounce on paypal or protx.
    Paypal shows a logo now (Click here to complete payment) this is not normal.
    Tried to refresh site.
    When looking inthe template on checkout 3 I cannot see the java but can see on the other checkout templates.
    I have tried to change the design but unfortunatly that does not help.

    Can anyone help please.
    Site is found at

    It is possible that your editing of the layouts has corrupted the layouts. Try restoring the layouts to the original. Did the drop off in sales match the time you edited the layouts? if not what else did you do on the site at that time.

    Editing checkout templates is a dodgy area to be playing with - it was bad in V7 but V8!!!!!!!!!!!


      Thanks you may be right how do I restore them back?


        Off the top of my head go to Design Library | Layouts | Checkout Area and restore to default the layouts you have changed. Im on a PC without V8 at the moment so cannot give you more detail.


          Thanks for your help learnt something new unfortunatly it did not work.
          I have pasted the page below checkout 3.
          The template is executive..
          Site is at
          Cheers guys.

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            unfortunatly it did not work
            In theory it should Perhaps Chris can help solve the problem.


              I've just tested this and bounced ok to paypal

              but retested and didn't bounce to protx


                OK - I go to PayPal OK as well - but not to Protx. The Javascript function that automatically bounces people to the site is missing. What I don't know is where that Javascript function comes from. I'll check with the development team and get back to you.


                  As a quick fix, add the following code into the Act_OCCPROTXTemplate.html code - just under where it says "complete confidence."

                  <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="\&quot;SUBMIT\&quot;" VALUE="Next&gt;">
                  That will at least give you a manual button so people can get to the server OK.


                    Here's a solution - copy and paste this code into the <head> area of your overall layout - (Works Best WIth Executive) - just above the closing </head> tag.

                    <actinic:block if="%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PageType%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%27PSP%20Bounce%20Page%27%29%20AND%20%28%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsPSPTestMode%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20false%29">
                    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                    function onLoad()
                    // -->


                      Thank you you are a legend.
                      It worked a dream.



                        not bouncing either

                        Hi, I added the code (quick fix next button) to my clients pages and still got this error:
                        Error: There is no valid input parameters for the script! Check the referencing HTML code!

                        Have I missed something really simple?

                        Cheers Keith


                          Hi Keith

                          Could you attach the edited template to a post, or else give a URL to look at?


                            This is still a problem as I have just had to add the fix to a new site today.


                              Same here today also!

