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white text ?

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    white text ?

    Hi I have another head sctratching moment I just can't seem to solve.

    On some pages the product price shows fine in black text


    on the next product the price is in white text and isn't showing because I have white background

    any ideas?

    Oooops - I've tried sorting this I now get the message

    Price: Parse error: parse error in main on line 1 (Including VAT at 17.5%)

    What have I done? and how do i fix it?

    It's getting worse - now all prices hve dissapeared completey- help!

    Would go into the Design | Layouts and locate the one you changed, then compare to the factory default to see what you did with the price bit...

    but... if you plan on having alternate backgrounds for different products, i.e. odd numbers white, even number black and so on, then create your product layout with 2 layouts separated by the next directive... Think the default product layout has this, which you can use to work it out, and then assign alternate price layouts and the like for the different backgrounds...

    Will take you time to work it out, but it can be done.


      Ok thanks

      back to normal now - phew

      still showing some prices but not the others have alook at this page to see what i mean

      First price shows ok, but you have to 'highlight' the others to see them


        now i have some coding errors

        Varible 'TaxInclusivePrice' is used out of context (67 times)
        Varible 'TaxInclusivePriceAlt' is used out of context (67 times)

        What does this mean and how do i put it right?


          It looks like you are using one product layout for the first product in the section (which works) and then a different product layout for all the other products in the section. It's not just the price that looks different, also the product name appears twice in the faulty layout.

          Check the 'Product Layout' field of a faulty product. If it says 'Use Parent' then set the 'Product Layout' for the section to the same as the layout you are using for the first product in the section. Or you can even set the default layout for the entire site in 'Settings | Site Options | Layout'.


            Hi Chris

            Thanks for your suggestions. doesn't matter what I try I still seem to end up with some products having white text for the price.

            This page seems to be fine


            This page isn't


            Both have the same layout which is

            Column count - Use Parent =1
            Price Layout - Standard tax inclusive price
            Product layout - Standard with image on left
            Product List layout - Product list with horizintal lines

            I've also tried changing the global settings, but that doesn't seem to work either.

            I take your point about the product title showing twice, thats ok as its in the product description as well.

            Do you have any other suggestions?



              These pages both look fine to me. Did you manage to sort this then?

