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upgrading to 8.03

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    upgrading to 8.03

    there are now 3 options to choose from when upgrading

    1 do not upgrade my design
    2 add revised design elements to the libary without affecting the current site apprearance and operation
    3 upgrade my design

    Can I have full details as to what each of these do, as I don't want to choose the wrong option and mess up my hardwork!!

    BTW there is a bug here to, if you choose cancel it goes ahead and upgrades anyway!!! Oh joy......where's my backup?

    Yeah would like to know this too. I decided on option 3, upgrade my design. Unfortunately it deleted most of my custom fragment layouts from the drop down lists (although they were still in the library). I couldn't add them back into the lists so they could be reapplied and after much fiddling decided to reinstall my 8.0.2 snapshot. Selecting option 1 this time seems to have worked ok!

    Is this how it is supposed to behave?


    Located in Edinburgh UK


      I went for option 2 and it seems to have worked ok.


        stop putting the list of changes in pdf

        I HATE PDF....give me a word doc

        Well done chaps, I see the meta keywords now get found....always handy.
        Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
        Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


          stop putting the list of changes in pdf

          I HATE PDF....give me a word doc

          Well done chaps, I see the meta keywords now get found....always handy.
          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            I went for option 2 and it seems to have worked ok.
            I still want to know the subtleties of the options.....


              This screen only kicks in if you have changed a layout, and also Actinic has fixed a bug in that layout. Let's say you had edited the 'Standard Layout Using CSS' product layout to make it look nice, and also we edited the layout to fix a problem in it. When you upgrade to a new version, you have to tell Actinic what to do with the 'fixed' code it wants to add to your design.

              NB If you haven't edited a layout, but Actinic has, the layout will be replaced in your library silently.

              1 do not upgrade my design
              This just discards Actinic's changes and leaves your edited layouts well alone.
              2 add revised design elements to the libary without affecting the current site apprearance and operation
              Actinic's updated layouts are added to the library, with different names (e.g. Standard Layout Using CSS 8.0.3). Again, your edited layouts are left alone.
              3 upgrade my design
              Your edited layouts are replaced by Actinic's updated ones. Your edited layouts are backed up in the library though - with different names.

              I'd always recommend Option 2. i.e. don't do anything now, but let me know what the changes are in case I want to add them to my design.

              Could you let me know whether the dialogue has context-sensitive help - it should do.



                Originally posted by los_design
                stop putting the list of changes in pdf

                I HATE PDF....give me a word doc

                Well done chaps, I see the meta keywords now get found....always handy.
                i LOVE PDFS. CAN'T PLEASE EVERYONE. Actually, slightly annoyed when I get a word doc, but I save them as pdf, so happy then.


                  Tongue in cheek reply I am afraid....

                  I prefer to have the choice. Every single time we get a pdf adobe keeps checking for updates and it causes some apps to hang....

                  pain in the butt....

                  Hey ho
                  Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
                  Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


                    Adobe pdf

                    Yah adobe printing can make me scream. Any hints. I have the 7.08 full blown, 2.8 GHz Stepping 9 (4 CPUs) dual, 2 gig ram and 10,000 scsi drive. Adobe.pdf prints slower than slow over the gig ethernet to 100mb, zerox 2600 laser, postscript driver, but reasonable speeds to usb printer. probable a driver problem, but no upgrades available.

                    Tongue thing, yes unfortunate how words get lost in translation. Makes me think though. No reference to you not thinking. Does everyone want to read a novel. I guess that's the way it has to be. Again can't please everyone. Still like adobe for search feature and readability.



                      We had this issue with printing PDF's too and EVENTUALLY fixed it by setting up the printers on local ports instead of as network Printers. All you should need to do is:-

                      1. Delete the network printer
                      2. Go to install a new printer
                      3. Add local printer, then next
                      4. Instead of taking the option to "use the following port" click on "Create a new port" and select "Local Port"
                      5. Enter the network address i.e //server/myprinter
                      6. Follow the rest of the prompts (cant remember them at the moment but should be fairly simple)

                      This speeded up printing pdf's for us hugely. What used to take 10 minutes for Windows to think about now prints instantaniously!

                      Hope that helps


                      Located in Edinburgh UK



                        I would love both PDF's and Word-Docs,
                        I like reading PDF's to the screen, but you try printing just the odd number pages, then just the even number pages so that you don't waste all that paper, Its virtually impossible on a long PDF, with Word-Doc, its a breeze.


                          Slow Pdf Printing Sorted

                          SLOW PDF PRINTING SORTED!

                          Thanks very very much dave_finlayson ! Well worth my arbitrary tangent reply! Instant printing! Hey! Haraah!
                          Last edited by essentialoils; 10-Oct-2006, 02:34 PM. Reason: dave_finlayson



                            No problem, it was driving me slightly bonkers until I eventually figured it out!


                            Located in Edinburgh UK



                              Thanks to David Finlayson on speeding up computer

                              Dear David

                              I want to thank you again! I have been having a problem with Sage line 50 for years. Slow printing and editing in report designer. No one at sage or anyone I have spoken to, including Adobe and the Technical help at (which I was having the worst slow down problems) could come up with anything.

                              Report designer in Sage and printing are now instant!

                              I owe you for this one. If there is a product on my site which you can use call me at 01392 217628

                              best regards,


