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Related Product / Search Result Layout

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    Related Product / Search Result Layout


    We have just purchased Actinic 8 and are in the process of upgrading from V5 and are having a few problems with the layout:

    1. In the "Related Products" list on the Shopping Cart page we want to display product image, name, link, description and price but the only variables that appear to be availible on this page are Name, THUMBNAIL image and link. Is there someway to access the others - particularly price and main image?

    2. Similar question for search results page. How do I access the main product image rather than the thumbnail version (which dosen't seem to upload properly) on this page?

    3. In "Related products" on both product and cart pages and in the search results, is it possible to incorporate Add to Cart buttons for these items?

    Thanks for you advice,


    1. In the "Related Products" list on the Shopping Cart page we want to display product image, name, link, description and price but the only variables that appear to be availible on this page are Name, THUMBNAIL image and link. Is there someway to access the others - particularly price and main image?
    Unfortunately Actinic is very limited in terms of the product information it can show on the shopping cart and search results fields. The information you see in the layout really is the only information that is available.

    You can show full product details on the related products list that appears on the section pages. It's just the shopping cart page that is limited in this way.

    2. Similar question for search results page. How do I access the main product image rather than the thumbnail version (which dosen't seem to upload properly) on this page?
    The thumbnail upload issue will be fixed in the next release (8.0.3) which is out in beta at the moment.
    3. In "Related products" on both product and cart pages and in the search results, is it possible to incorporate Add to Cart buttons for these items?
    This is not possible I'm afraid.


      Is there any update on whether product descriptions are available now for related products in cart?

      If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

      Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


        Sorry - these are not part of the shopping cart data in the online *.cat files so they can't appear by default in these lists.


          Would be useful though, as better than just names of products, especially where just names can be confusing. ie - would be nice to describe to customer what it is that is actually related and why?

          I know you can add details to the short description, but don't want it showing all of the time in the product pages themselves.

          Can you add it to the wishlist for the future?

          If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

          Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


            I've passed this recommendation onto the development team.

