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Variable errors (all 48 of em!)

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    Variable errors (all 48 of em!)


    When publishing my site I get the following errors:

    Variable 'SectionPageName' is used out of context (8 times)
    Variable 'SectionName' is used out of context (8 times)
    Variable 'SectionImageFileName' is used out of context (8 times)
    Variable 'SectionPageName' is used out of context (8 times)
    Variable 'SectionName' is used out of context (8 times)
    Variable 'SectionDescription' is used out of context (8 times)

    But there's no more detail. I've just added about 100 products and it hadn't happened before I did this.

    Any ideas... and please go easy on me... I'm still a bit of a newbie!



    I had this, have a read of this thread, see if it solves your problem.


      Just lookng through it now Lee... will report back.

      One thing though... did you ever contact Actinic about the greyed out exclamation mark? Because mine is too.


        Well my problem is occurring even though I haven't upgraded so no upgrade program has created any rogue code and I can't find any commented code in my site.

        Any other ideas? This is killing me!



          I didn't contact support as i can still do the debugging throught the menu and haven't needed it since. I guess i'm presuming that 8.03 will solve it, especially if it is not unique to me.

          Where you see the screenshots in the post i referred you to, select the same area as i did in design mode and paste your code into here, so we can take a look.

          From what i gather Actinic is including this code in the header part for no reason, this must be a V8 bug if you have not upgraded.


            Which area is selected? I don't have an Act_header.


              You can double click on any of the errors and it will take you to the relevant code. My post where i show a screenshot of the errors and then the next part after i have clicked on one of the errors.


                Okay, the following was shown:

                   	<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22FragmentImageFileName%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">
                <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsFragmentImageALink%22%20%2f%3e" >
                   <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsFragmentLinkToURL%22%20%2f%3e" >
                      <a href="<actinic:variable name="FragmentLinkedItemID" />">
                   <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsFragmentLinkToProduct%22%20%2f%3e" >
                      <a href="<Actinic:Variable Name="SearchCGIURL"/>?PRODREF=<actinic:variable name="FragmentLinkedItemID" /><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">&amp;SHOP=<Actinic:Variable Name="ShopID"/></actinic:block><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsLoginPageSuppressed%22%20%2f%3e">&amp;NOLOGIN=1</actinic:block>">
                   <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsFragmentLinkToSection%22%20%2f%3e" >
                      <a href="<Actinic:Variable Name="SearchCGIURL"/>?SECTIONID=<actinic:variable name="FragmentLinkedItemID" /><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">&amp;SHOP=<Actinic:Variable Name="ShopID"/></actinic:block><actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsLoginPageSuppressed%22%20%2f%3e">&amp;NOLOGIN=1</actinic:block>">
                <img src="<actinic:variable name="FragmentImageFileName" />"
                   alt="<actinic:variable name="FragmentTitle" />"
                   width="<actinic:variable name="FragmentImageWidth" />"
                   height="<actinic:variable name="FragmentImageHeight" />"
                   class="image_float_right" />
                <div class="product_list">
                			<div class="image_product"><a href="<Actinic:Variable Name="SectionPageName"/>" target="_self"><img alt="<actinic:variable name="SectionName"/>" src="<actinic:variable Name="SectionImageFileName"/>" border="0" /></a></div>
                			<div><h3 class="product"><a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>" target="_self"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a></h3></div>
                			<p><actinic:variable name='SectionDescription'/></p>
                <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsFragmentImageALink%22%20%2f%3e" >
                <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22FragmentAnchor%22%20%2f%3e%20!=%20%22%22">
                <a name="<actinic:variable name='FragmentAnchor' />"></a>
                		<h1 class="subheading"><actinic:variable Name="FragmentTitle"/></h1>
                		<p><actinic:variable Name="FragmentText"/></p>
                Also, strangely, the number of errors has now changed to 7 for each instead of 8! Don't ask why!


                  From what i can see, it is this part of your code:

                  .<div class="product_list">
                  <div class="image_product"><a href="<Actinic:Variable Name="SectionPageName"/>" target="_self"><img alt="<actinic:variable name="SectionName"/>" src="<actinic:variable Name="SectionImageFileName"/>" border="0" /></a></div>
                  <div><h3 class="product"><a href="<actinic:variable name="SectionPageName"/>" target="_self"><actinic:variable name='SectionName'/></a></h3></div>
                  <p><actinic:variable name='SectionDescription'/></p>

                  As you have the original here on the forum, delete this part of the code and apply the changes, if it makes no difference, just put the code back and we will start again.


                    Wha'?! It Worked! Has Designer generated this code or me? I assumed I shouldn't tocuh it cos it would be necessary or something but the errors have gone and I can't see any changes in the site!

                    Thank you so much! That was driving me crackers!


                      It drove me crackers too, i put it down to the upgrade process getting confused though. Whereas you haven't included any code and it is a fresh design. I like to understand why and all of that, however sometimes we just have to accept it is repaired and not understand why.

                      Good luck with the rest of it, i wonder if you will encounter the annoying horizontal lines next?

                      As a side note, i thought it might be that part as that was the only section where it contained all of the references which were bringing up errors for you. It was nothing magical, just a good guess.


                        lol! No... I've decided... Actinic is never going to give me errors again. I've had words with it and It's agreed to get into line!

                        Thanks again Lee.

