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Need Help With strange shipping & surcharge requirements

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    Need Help With strange shipping & surcharge requirements


    I am located in the USA and we are using the v8 demo Catalog. Our company is considering purchasing the full product however, with setting up a web shop we have a specific need for the software.

    I do not want to start to just goof with tax and shipping settings until I received some feedback.

    We need to deliver our product in a very small area in the New York metro area. (we physically deliver & install the product)

    We would like to allow Shipping (delivery) by County NOT country,

    Each county must have a separate sales tax (if the customer lives in NY),

    Since the business is located in New York we will deliver to parts of New Jersey & Connecticut.

    New Jersey & Connecticut are one sales tax, NOT by county like New York.

    Additionally we will NOT deliver to the entire states of NJ & CT - only to designated close counties to us (obviously because of truck driving reasons).

    To make things more complicated SOME counties require a delivery surcharge.(most counties are free delivery)

    It is very UNLIKELY we will expand our delivery range… so other zones can be permanently deleted.

    We would also like to prevent a customer that is attempting to buy our product is NOT in a COUNTY dropdown list that we deliver to on checkout page 0 from going any further.

    I have created most of the web shop using the software and we are happy so far but I have NOT found in any of the advanced or beginner guides—or the forums about how to do what we need the checkout & tax portion to do..

    Could someone post a solution to this or maybe point me in the right direction?

    If someone can show me a way you guys will probably get another customer.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there

    I would go to 'Advanced | Locations' and delete all the countries and states that are there.

    Then create three 'Countries' called 'New York', 'New Jersey' and 'Connecticut' and then use the 'States' column for your counties within each state.

    You can then go to 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' and then delete all the example zones and classes that are there. You can then right-click in the white rectange and select 'New Zone' and define all your different delivery areas. You can then right-click on each zone and select 'Add Class' to add the shipping methods you offer to each zone.

    You can then go to 'Business Settings | Tax' and create tax zones made up of counties in the same way as you created shipping zones.

    Help with creating zones is in the main help. I hope this is enough to start you on the right track.

