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SSL problems

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    SSL problems

    am currently trying to add ssl to my site
    my client has two accounts with one provider.
    One is ftp and one is a secure
    When trying to make check out and log in secure i keep getting booted and actinic shuts down when i run the setup wizard.
    All goes well until it asks for the ftp path to the cgi bin and web root directory
    How can i make the SSL work over the 2 accounts im baffled

    An SSL cert is valid for one URL only.

    I can't help with the rest of your Q as I don't really understand the set up - what do you mean by 2 accts?

    who is your host
    have you got an SSL cert installed - which URL has the SSL?


      hey its all very complicated in my opinion.
      the host is emnet and for some reason there is two accounts one is my ftp acount which is non-secure and then there is another account which is the secure setup.
      ftp account domain name is
      secure domain is, this is the one with the thawte certificate
      when i spoke to emnet about this problem they said that when i uploaded the site the SSL and the HTTP are on the same server but are different CGI bins and different FTP settings!
      when i asked for the address of the above files they told me i had to make them on the ftp server and then upload to them
      im lost and very confused
      can anyone help


        have run a test on the info ive got entered and it all passes until i get the folowing error.
        Unable to move to the cgi-bin directory "voidclov%voidclothi/WWW/cgi-bin/" on the ftp server .
        the specified directory does not exist or you do not have access.
        I know it exists and that i have access as i can upload the site with out ssl so what am i doing wrong

