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Protx PSP Bounce Page Issue Solution

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    Protx PSP Bounce Page Issue Solution

    I have just gone live with my first Actinic site (Cosmetics 4 Less)

    My client has an account with Protx payment service provider and we thoroughly tested the site in test mode before going live.

    In test mode there was a 'NEXT' button on the PSP Bounce Page that allowed the customer to transfer from the site to the Protx server. However when we switched over to production (live) mode the 'NEXT' button disappeared from the PSP Bounce Page and the checkout process effectively stalled on that page.

    After 3 phone calls to tech support we eventually found a solution. As I am sure someone else will encounter the same problem at some stage I am posting the solution here.

    Inside the Site folder (in my case: C Drive | Program Files | Actinic V8 | Site 1) there is a folder called CommonOCC. Inside there is an HTML file called Act_OCCPROTXTemplate

    When we opened that file in Dreamweaver we found (in this case on lines 25 and 27):


    By commenting out the above lines the 'NEXT' button that was previously missing from the PSP Bounce Page reappeared and the checkout process was working again.

    Hopefully that will save somebody a lot of time spent head scratching
    Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates

    Hi Rob

    For future viewers reference, the instructions for this come bundled with the Protx email 'Setting Up Actinic' (or something along those lines) which you receive with the test and integration instructions.

    To extend upon this topic, we have deployed numerous V7 sites and resolved the Protx bounce issue without using the 'next button' however, this is still an issue with V8.

    We are STILL unable to get an automatic bounce to Protx with a fully customised design.

    Anyone have a solution? We have exhausted the Protx route and currently we have to use the 'next' button and we must point out that the stores operate perfectly. We wish this to be removed and use auto-bounce (cosmetic reasons not operational).

    No other js are present on the checkout pages so there is no conflict.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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      My client said he thought he had read something about it in an email from Protx but I had not received the email (and he couldn't find it when we were having these problems). Interestingly enough when he emailed Protx about this issue they replied by saying:


      I had a similar scenario from a vendor earlier today, same issue. Unfortunately that redirect is being handled by Actinic not Protx - we have no control over their software. They need to put a button on that page for you or organise a fix for the redirect as it is not taking place.

      Best wishes,

      Protx Support
      I guess Actinic will get it sorted one day??
      Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates



        Has this been fixed yet or has anyone found a solution? We're currently using the next button to allow users to send themselves through to Protx but we really would like the page to automatically refresh...

        Please advise! (if only to confirm that this is still an outstanding issue with actinic)

        Many thanks


          It's not something either of my sites are having a problem with.
          Both automatically 'bounce' from the psp bounce page to Protx (or, indeed, Paypal) without pressing next (although we do have a 'if you page does not next' prompt too on the Paypal bounce page)

          I wonder what it is that's causing the difference between some bounce pages and others...that some are directing and some aren't.
          Does anyone know?

          Are they (pre-upgrade) customised pages that could benefit from reverting to factory settings and any modifications re-doing?


            We totally went back to the original files because of other issues caused with the August 1 Protx muppetry. Whether this problem was to do with that or is unrelated I don't know

            I've just found this:, so will try that one....


              Originally posted by jeni
              August 1 Protx muppetry

              that's funny apt!


                This is what I have done to resolve this issue:

                add this to the body tag:

                <body onload="<actinic:variable value="PreloadImages" name="OnLoadScript" />">
                and this within the <head> tags
                <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                  function onLoad()
                  // -->
                Actinic Web Design | Actinic Templates


                  Quick note for future reference - these changes need to be made to the PSP Bounce Page. This also fixed my lack of bounce for Paypal.

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