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Unable to Web Refresh V8

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    Unable to Web Refresh V8

    Following conversion from V7 to V8.02 the initial Web Refresh completes the 'Checking HTML Pages' but the Web Refresh process stops about 3/4 of the way through 'Checking Catalogue' without any error message. I am just left with V8 open and no activity. This error relates to just one of three sites already successfully converted & uploaded.

    I have tried starting over again and taking new snapshots from freshly compacted and repaired V7 to no avail. I have also compressed and repaired V8 again without success.

    A coding error is reported on conversion which says Variable 'INNER LAYOUT' is used out of context but this occurred with the other sites which completed ok.

    I would be gratful for any help or advice.

    Many thanks

    A coding error is reported on conversion which says Variable 'INNER LAYOUT' is used out of context but this occurred with the other sites which completed ok.
    in my view this error iscrucial as INNER LAYOUT controls pretty well all of the layout.

    You need to cure this issue.... try clicking on the coding erro box to get more info


      Unable to Web Refresh V8

      Jo, I have run the 'check for coding errors' routine and the result is "Variable 'INNER LAYOUT' is used out of context". Double clicking this tells me that "HTML form close tag is found without open tag."

      I can locate INNERLAYOUT in the code but not sure how to find the offending missing 'open tag' which is presumably within the INNERLAYOUT routine?



        "HTML form close tag is found without open tag."
        See if you can find out which layout throws up this error - mayb it is one of the search.

        then you could revert to factory settings.

        Several of my upgrades have thrown up this form close tag error - I doubt if you will ever find it! Revert to factory status has always been my get out of jail card



          I have this error all the time, i am sure this one is related to the terms and conditions pages on my site, seems to be on one of the order pages, like you i am not sure how to correct this as i have checked the pages for html error (with my limited knowledge) and not found anything obvious to me



            Your comments are appreciated but having spent some hours trying, I have failed to resolve this. I am not convinced that my upload failure is due to the coding error as my other sites give the same error and upload ok. The Inner layout used out of context error drills down to my Terms and Conditions Pop up Page and leads to the comment that the HTML form tag is found without an open tag. But it all seems correct to me with <form> at the beginning and </form> at the end. Interestingly only </for is highlighted rather than the whole command suggeting that perhaps there is something not being seen here.

            Anyway I would be most grateful for any help re this or the upload problem which is the focus of this thread.

            Many thanks Peter


              The Inner layout used out of context error drills down to my Terms and Conditions Pop up Page
              locate the layout for terms and conditions and then revert it to factory settings


                Jo, is there a Revert to Factory Settings button?



                  yep go to Design menu, library, layouts, scroll down to terms, right click it to menu - Revert to factory


                    Thank you, that has worked with my small site - no coding errors now! I will press on with the large site now and see if it will upload after removing the coding error. Regards


                      It seems it is not clear of coding errors after all! Reverting 'Terms' to Facory Setting has moved the coding error up a level to the 'Order 00 Bulk Area'. This particuar Layout does not appear in the Design Library, can you tell me how to revert this Layout to Factory Settings please? Thanks Peter



                        The layout you mention is in the 'Web Page Inner Layout' group in 'Design | Library | Layouts'.


                          Thank you Chris that enabled me to correct the coding error, unfortunatelly the site still crashed on Checking Catalog when going through the upload process. Also crashed on test but was found ok on test with 80% of the products deleted. It has now been referred to development.


                            I think this is a small bug in the upgrade process - the site I'm working on at the moment threw this error on the Checkout Page 3 page - which was a real bummer because that page crashes Actinic when you load it, so I couldn't look at the page code in the design tree but only in the library layout by layout and was getting really anywhere until I found this thread - I reverted "Order 03 Checkout Area" to factory and all seems well now.

                            Therefore really think this thread is the fix to this upgrade error.

                            Many thanks.
                            Wayne Theisinger

                            The Web's just settling in. We got the tech, now let's put up something that matters.


                              Checkout Page 3 page
                              there is a known bug with checkout page 3 if you don't have java installed - its well documented in the forum

