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Breadcrumbs - 3 questions + 1 related

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    Breadcrumbs - 3 questions + 1 related

    We've just upgraded from v7 Business to v8 ( 8.0.2 ). At the TOP of the product pages we now have TWO breadcrumb trails instead of the original ONE ... but at the bottom of the page, just one trail as intended. Take a look at :

    Q1 ) How do I get rid of the duplicated breadcrumb trail at the top ?

    Q2 ) How do I position the remaining one to the LEFT ?

    Q3 ) Where do you define the destination when the user clicks on "Online Catalog" at the root of the breadcrumb trail ? At the moment it points to :

    ... with no file name, so our server gives you a "403 Permission Denied" error. I guess it would use anything called index.* or default.* if they existed, but if Actinic is allowed to upload "index.html" it obliterates our root website home page.

    This sounds like a different question ... how do I force the Actinic-generated index.html to be placed in the acatalog folder instead of the root of our website.

    All help gratefully received !



    Hi Alan

    Just had a look at the website. The above issues seem to have been resolved. Is that correct? Could you post the steps in here, so it would help other customers who might be facing a similar problem?
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Not yet solved ...

      Hi Krithika,

      Q1 and Q2 are NOT resolved. Interestingly, by using "Settings / Site options / Layout" and changing "Overall page layout" to ( say ) Executive clears the problem, however some other layouts don't work properly, including the layout we imported from v7 ( Curves ).

      I'm certainly not an expert yet, but looking around in the code it appears that for the 'faulty' layout, the breadcrumb trail is embedded both in the page header and at the top of the main content form. My attempts to remove the reference in the main content form were disastrous however ( must make time to read the manual ! ), so I restored everything to how it was and simply turned the breadcrumb trail off, hoping for a resolution through this forum.

      Regarding the destination of the link behind the 'Online Catalogue' text in the breadcrumb trail, which points to "", I renamed the page called 'Home' in the 'Content Tree' to "shopindex.html", and renamed the page called 'Online catalogue' in the 'Content Tree' to "index.html". This means that the 'Home' page ( shopindex.html ) becomes an orphan with no way to reach it - Actinic is still putting this in the root of our parent web site but it no longer interferes with our own index page. The root of the online catalogue structure is now found by my browser from the partial link mentioned above. The 'Home' page is where we get the superb display of 'Best sellers' and 'New products', but my 'fix' puts it outside the navigation structure of the rest of the shop, which is a shame.

      It works ( inasmuch as it keeps our shop looking the same as before for returning cutomers ), and it gets me out of trouble, but there must be a better way !



        You have a non-Actinic home page which you call index.html. You can add a link from that page to shopindex.html, and use Actinic navigation from that point on. [I'm presuming you tick the box 'use as my website homepage']. This will not affect your 'other' index.html homepage - you may want to hand code a link from the shopindex page page to index.html, just to tie things up.
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