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Width Of Product Description

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    Width Of Product Description

    How can I enlarge the width of a Full Description page ?

    This is dependant on the theme in use and product layout in use.

    Go into Design mode in the software and then with a design preview on show, click in the text description area, which in the layout view will then show you how it is being surrounded.

    Based on where it puts you will depend on what you need to adjust, all based on the design / theme and layout etc.



      Ive changed the layout from layout with image on left with layout with image on right but its not changed any ideas


        Can you post a link to the site in question, so can see your issue, but...

        Is this an issue with the space for the full description or the width of the entire page?


          Page in question

          Ive tried to change the page design so the image is above but dosent take it when I change the layout dropdown


            Its the main width of the central area and not the product level, so you will need to pick an item in the central area whilst in design view, and then click the yellow swirl with the up arrow to navigate through each layout till you see the area that assigns the width constraint..

            Dont have access to a v8 right now, so can not tell you exactly, but it is not down to the product, but that around it, so you need to locate the layouts above it using that layout and design code view and clicking up through the layouts till you see the one affecting this, for which you may find if it is in the CSS, having to adjust the css file, but just guessing right now I am afraid.



              Ive now lost the product image on all products how do I get the templates back to what they originally were


                Changing themes from one theme and then back will undo any and all changes....

                If you simply want to revert 1 template, then go into the Design | Library | Layouts and locate the layout concerned and right click on it, then select the revert to factory settings

