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Extended Information page

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    Extended Information page

    I'm currently a V7 user but am probably going to upgrade to V8. Could anyone tell me if you can now add more than one image to the extended information page.

    Many thanks
    fashion jewellery and hair accessoires

    Fashion Jewellery Wholesale - Glitzy Jewels

    Hi Sally

    You can use the same concept of Custom variables here. In V8, go to Design | Library | Variables. Create a new variable under the Product group, call it ExtInfoImage (For e.g)

    Under Place of Setting, choose Product, choose a Tab name, to make it easy, you could choose Extended Information itself.
    Under Type, select Filename. Check Allow Empty Value. Click OK.

    Now assign a second image to the products in the respective Product Details windows. The last step is to include this variable in the relevant layout. Here's how you can do it.

    First to find out which layout is being used by the site, go to Settings | Site Options | Extended Information. Make a note of the layout name against Extended Info Page Design.

    Close this window and go back to Design | Library | Layouts. Scroll down to find the Layout Type, Extended Info Layout, expand the group. Find the required layout in this group. Double click to open it in an editor window.

    In this layout you can insert the newly created variable in the desired spot, by either selecting Insert Variable from the Right-click menu or the blue V+ icon on the top left-hand corner. Find ExtInfoImage in the list and click Insert. Apply, OK and update the site.

    Now when you open the pop-up window, you should find the standard as well the second image.

    Let me know how you get on.

    PS : At any point if you wish to roll-back the changes, you can simply right-click on the layout you changed in Design | Library | Layouts, choose Revert To Factory Settings and re-start.
    Krithika Chandrasekar


    E-commerce software by SellerDeck


      Extended Information page

      Thank you Krithika for your instructions.

      When I carry out these step all I get is the filename and path to the image. How can I get Actinic to include all the neccessary HTML to actually display the image. I guess the required attributes would be Width, Height and Alt information.

      Many thanks,


        Well, you can display the image without height and width, and then for the alt text I suggest just using the 'ProductName' variable.

        If you do want to automatically create height and width values for the image, then there is a PHP expression you can use that does this for you.

        For the height use:

        <actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>imageheight('<actinic:variable name="ExtInfoImage" />');</actinic:block>

        For the width use:

        <actinic:block PHP='true' SELECTABLE='false'>imagewidth('<actinic:variable name="ExtInfoImage" />');</actinic:block>


          Why not make one image composed of the several images you want to show?

