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Layout Tab Causes V8 To Crash

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    Layout Tab Causes V8 To Crash

    anyone else having problems changing to the layout tab? Everytime I am on a section page and I switch to the layout tab actinic crashes! It's really starting to piss me off!!!

    Any help... anyone!?

    I've not yet been able to put my finger on it, but yup, I get problems, (v8.0.3)
    Its as though the piece of layout is calling the same layout again (sort of looping)
    I've seen CPU go up to 98% and the only way out of it is to us the task manage to reset actinic.
    once I had to resort to coping catalog.mdb out of the way, opeinging up the master (actually being used by actinic), deleting the layout I guessed was causing problems from within the actual mdb file and then re-starting the layout again.
    Never did really find out what it is, but it definately crashes on the layouts.
    My guess is that actinic needs to check if a section of code is calling itself (looping) and if it is, then generate a handlled error.


      I've had this problem too. Mine was caused by me not being sure which sitemap variable i needed to use, so i put them all in for the hell of it and was going to see which one was correct.

      Actinic disapproved of my intentions and blew it up, from this point forward i learnt the most important fact, snapshot, snapshot and more snapshots.

      The only way i have found to get out of this viscious cycle is to go back to a previous snapshot, as it was always me having done something that Actinic didn't like.


        Well it's nice to know that it isn't just me.... May have to try your suggestion completerookie, sounds like a pain in the ass but might just work! I think i've figured out which layout is causing the issues, should be able to copy the code from a previous snapshot once i've deleted it.....

        Wish me luck!


          nope that didn't work... back to the drawing board, or until 9am when support opens!


            hmmmm now gone back to a snapshot which never had problems, and worked last time I reverted back to it when I first encountered this error, and actinic is now crashing when ever I select any seciton page and not just the layout tab! Bugger it!


              I'm looking for the entry in the database that is known as "Previous Factory Layout" "Current factory layout" and "Library layout" - these are the titles of the comparrisons when you look into the library.

              I would then happily copy things out of the way.
              It seems overkill to take a complete snapshot just to test a layout but now I do just that.

              I still maintain that
              My guess is that actinic needs to check if a section of code is calling itself (looping) and if it is, then generate a handlled error.
              or at least allows us to get out of the mess we've created for ourselves.


                hmmmm now gone back to a snapshot which never had problems, and worked last time I reverted back to it when I first encountered this error, and actinic is now crashing when ever I select any seciton page and not just the layout tab!
                Hi Jon - you are going to have to run this one past our support team I'm afraid. They will be able to find out what is causing the error - and supply a fix. You can register an email support query at


                  Hi Chris

                  Sent a snapshot over to support after chatting on the phone, however I really needed to crack on with the site today... What caused the issue has left me completely in the dark, however I have since deleted and rebuilt all top level sections, solving the issue. Thankfully only one major section was complete with product per page sections and only the top level sections had issues. This deletion and rebuild of all top level sections took a while but I now have the layout designs I was originally after before actinic started crashing.

                  Lesson learned: Snapshot even more frequently than ever!


                    Tue enough. Also, as all the design is in the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' database, just using the database backup options on shutting down Actinic will keep a safe copy of your design.

