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Changing page layout

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    Changing page layout

    Hi all,

    I'm trialling v8 and I'm trying to find a way to change my product page layout so that the 'choices' dropdown box appears immediately under the product price with the 'quantity' box below that and the 'add to cart' button next to the 'quantity' rather than at the top of the product layout as that seems out of balance to me.

    If anyone can give me a non-technical answer I'll be delighted.


    Dim Jim

    Hi there

    What you would need to do, is to go to the "Design" tab. Here you can makes changes to the layout, so what I would suggest it click on the dropdown list, on the code view at the bottom it should say "Layout Code - Drop Down Choice List". Towards the bottom of this, you should be able to see a yellow circle with an arrow pointing up. Press this 3 times, so the heading in code view should say "Layout Code - Standard Layout using CSS", and it should highlight "AttributeList". Here highlight and cut both : AttributeList and ComponentList. Scroll where you can see "Add to Cart Button" and paste them after this, click on "Apply", and the dropdown list box should appear straight after the add to cart button

    It is a bit tricky, but give it a try

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development

