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Image Source - sub folders not uploading

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    Image Source - sub folders not uploading

    Actinic v8 says that you dont have to have your images within its folder in order for them to show on your site. I have found this not to be true. So I put my pictures within the site 1 folder.

    I want to keep them organised so made a folder of pictures with subfolders. None of the pics within this folder are shown on my site. So, I checked to see if the folder existed via ftp. It doesnt so I guess it never uploaded. I am now in the process of ftp that file and will see if that works.

    Does anyone know a better way to keep things all organised? Or even a way around this problem?
    Leigh Robinson

    Hand forged, hand folded custom swords

    I ftp that file and still nothing. So I inserted the source pics into site1 root folder. Still doesnt work.

    The HTML works fine on the page, its just the images that wont load. I am trying to get them to brochure > fragment. Im now wondering if you can actually put images onto your html code.

    This software is really annoying. Its an excellent piece of software but the information for building a site is almost non existant. Its getting to the point where I am calling the help desk daily just to get the simplest things done.
    Leigh Robinson

    Hand forged, hand folded custom swords


      Hi Leigh,

      Usually Actinic doesn't put the images folder on the server. It just uploads the graphics into the acatalog folder, along with everything else. Have you checked the files in the acatalog folder?

      If these are separate graphics you have hardcoded, they need to be uploaded via the Design tab - Additional Files.

      Location: North Yorkshire UK


        Originally posted by dscontroller
        Hi Leigh,

        Usually Actinic doesn't put the images folder on the server. It just uploads the graphics into the acatalog folder, along with everything else. Have you checked the files in the acatalog folder?

        If these are separate graphics you have hardcoded, they need to be uploaded via the Design tab - Additional Files.

        I even put the files in the act folder. It should be quite simple what I want. I am putting a biography in a brochure fragment. I built the biography in dreamweaver and copy the code to the info tab in the fragment. The text appears but the image doesnt. Is there a special tag that actinic needs for images?

        scratching my head at this one. I spent a day building the bio then its gone to the wall when I try to upload it. Actinic gives me headaches daily!
        Leigh Robinson

        Hand forged, hand folded custom swords


          Just checked my new upload and looked at the properties for the picture:


          It still reads it from the C: even though its inside site1/ folder?
          Leigh Robinson

          Hand forged, hand folded custom swords


            Originally posted by MASTERforge
            Just checked my new upload and looked at the properties for the picture:


            It still reads it from the C: even though its inside site1/ folder?
            First of all remove the spaces in the image name. Remove them or replace with a "-" or "_".

            Where you reference the image, can you hard code the desination? i.e.


              Have you entered the image name in the fragment or browsed for the image in the image field of the fragment?

              i.e. Images\hengwu.jpg or similar

              Location: North Yorkshire UK


                Ive changed zhou zheng wu.jpg to zhou-zheng-wu.jpg


                I can change the path name and have also tried /acatalog/pictures/Master-Zhou-Zheng-Wu.jpg

                I have also added it to the additional files.

                Still nothing. Does anyone know if you can add images to embedded html in brochure>fragments. If it is possible can someone tell me how they do it?
                Leigh Robinson

                Hand forged, hand folded custom swords


                  Try using one of the images from your organised folder as an image for a product in the store. Actinic should then index the folder which this image is in


                    Originally posted by MASTERforge
                    I can change the path name and have also tried /acatalog/pictures/Master-Zhou-Zheng-Wu.jpg
                    This option above should not work because if you are making it relative the the acatalog folder, then you should not have "/acatalog" included as you are already there. This would in effect be looking for acatalog/acatalog/pictures/Master-Zhou-Zheng-Wu.jpg The relative path would be "pictures/Master-Zhou-Zheng-Wu.jpg"

                    Can you take a screenshot of what you are doing, so i can build up a picture in my mind. I can't understand why a full URL mentioned in my first post will not work, unless the image isn't where you are saying it is.


                      Where you reference the image, can you hard code the desination? i.e.
                      Lee is correct here. Actinic will only automatically upload images that are defined in the product/fragment image tab, if your have inserted an image into a freagment using html then it will not upload. You need to reference the image as Lee says and add the image to Site 1 and also the other files menu to tell actinic to upload them.

