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Removing link to Actinic on T&C page

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    Removing link to Actinic on T&C page

    How do you remove this link in version 8?
    Fitness for life!

    DIFN - Doing nothing is not an option

    The Supplement Warehouse - Bodybuilding & Fitness Supplements

    Were on v8 are you talking about... If it is the Brochure page for example,

    1) Click on the 'Home' icon on the 'Content Tree'
    2) Then go to the 'Design' tab
    3) In the 'Page Preview' area scroll to and click on the 'Terms & Conds' Link in the preview.
    4) In the 'Layout Code' area below, you should see the words 'InfoText' in blue, selected / highlighted

    It will be within the following code:
    <div class="page_header_terms_container">
    <p class="text_terms_conditions"><a href="<actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />" class="link_terms_conditions"><actinic:variable name="InfoText" /></a></p>
    Change to look like:
    <!--<div class="page_header_terms_container">
    <p class="text_terms_conditions"><a href="<actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />" class="link_terms_conditions"><actinic:variable name="InfoText" /></a></p>
    </div> -->
    What this does is to comment out the div tag that brings in the link. You will have to do the same for the Catalog overall layout and checkout pages if you have them there.

    If you do not want people to have to agree to the T&C's before checkout, then that needs to be changed in 'Settings | Business Settings | Terms and Conditions' , unselect 'Terms and Conditions to be agreed before checkout'.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      When I navigate to the homepage my T&C's arn't show so I went to a product page and clicked the T&C's button there. It only shows

      <a href="<actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />" target="_self" onmouseover="SwapImage('nav_terms','button_terms_highlight.gif')" onmouseout="RestoreImage()"><img src="button_terms.gif" alt="<actinic:variable name="InfoText" />" border="0" name="nav_terms" /></a>

      I am using clean layout css 13.

      I am quite surprised that its there considering there is an option to opt out of advertising actinic on other pages. What is this, stealth advertising? that and its really hard to get rid of /acatalog in the url. Whats next? random popups?

      Please help to get rid of this.
      Leigh Robinson

      Hand forged, hand folded custom swords



        Please use the 'Select Page Type' drop down list at the top right of the 'Design' tab to change the page to 'Terms and Conditions'.

        Click on the link in the preview with your left button, then right click on it and select 'Delete'.



          Can you provide a URL to a page where your T&C's have a link back to Actinic please. There usually is only a 'Powered by' link that goes to Actinic, you can choose to display or not to display this link as it is part of a referral scheme. If this is the one you are talking about, then go to 'Design | Design Options' and look under 'Earn Points and Prizes from the Actinic Referral Scheme', unselect 'Enabled' and blank out the image field if you want to.

          As for the 'acatalog' bit...

          You will need to have MS Access.

          Firstly setup your network settings as you would normally but ensure where it says address of catalog make sure its and not

          Path from CGI-BIN to acatalog dir is ../acatalog -- dont worry about that. Close actinic. In the FTP section, the path from CGI to Acatalog is left blank.

          Go into your site1 folder and open locate the file ActinicCatalog.mdb - open this with MS Access.

          Locate the table called "setup2" and open that.

          Scroll along to the "CGI to Web" column and change the data from ../acatalog/ to just ../ close MS Access.

          Log into your webspace FTP and delete the acatalog folder, then go into the CGI-BIN folder and delete the contents of that. Log off, close FTP program.

          Fire up Actinic and go to web, refresh website. Wait for it to finish and test your store..

          One final note, you cannot go back into the network settings in Actinic now, if you do then you will have to repeat the database edit part of this guide.

          Kind regards,
          Bruce King


            Thanks for your help.

            I have removed the actinic link.

            Now I want to get rid of the T&C icon and place it in my footer so it looks something like

            Copyright Masterforge Limited 2006
            terms and conditions

            I would like it to be a text link, not a button.

            I dont know how to do this change. If anyone can help I would be most grateful
            Leigh Robinson

            Hand forged, hand folded custom swords


              To get rid of the terms and conditions navigation icon:
              • Click on the navigation icon in the 'Design' tab.
              • Click the 'navigate to parent layout' button at the bottom left of the design tab (yellow spiral with an up arrow). You may need to click this more than once.
              • After clicking this icon once or twice, you will then be taken to the parent layout, and selected within this layout should be a pink layout selector. THis is the thing that inserts the terms and conditions icon.
              • Delete this pink layout selector and click 'Apply'.
              • If it goes wrong, click the 'Undo' button. If the undo button is disabled, try clicking in the preview and then click 'Undo' again.
              Then to insert the link into the page footer you need to identify the layout that you want to insert the link into. I suggest you:
              1. Click in the preview where you want the link to appear.
              2. You then need to look in the layout code to find the correct point to add the link. You need to scroll down in the layout a bit.
              3. Then copy and paste in the following code: <a href="<actinic:variable name="InfoURL" />" target="_self">terms and conditions</a>



                It worked a treat
                Leigh Robinson

                Hand forged, hand folded custom swords


                  I agree with the sentiment here , there should be one tick box to tick to say allow slealth advertising by Actinic or not.

                  It is no problem to have this turned on by default but its a bit sneaky, not to say downright annoying, to have to remove all the links actinc have now placed within pages.

