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Slow Site

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    Slow Site

    Going through the results with the boss - a few comments, but one that I cannotfind an answer as of yet...

    The site is slow - more than 5 seconds per page, even if in the history??

    Any advice on this??

    Site not finished by the way!!

    Run it thorugh a web page analyzer:

    196,695 bytes

    Object type Size (bytes)
    HTML: 7843
    HTML Images: 45401
    CSS Images: 6392
    Total Images: 51793
    Javascript: 112135
    CSS: 24924
    Multimedia: 0
    Other: 0

    On a 512k broadband that's going to take 4-5 seconds to download.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Any advice on this??
      If you want a full site analysis doing drop me an email.


        Superb - I know where to start now then!



          Hi, Matt

          You are using NorCascade and Actrinic V8.0.2. You probably installed this before 8.0.3 came out.

          NorCascade currently contains a workaround for an Actinic V8 bug (fixed in 8.0.3) that requires us to use the large Act_section_tree.js menu structure, rather than the 2 much smaller names and URL files. Let me know when you update to 8.0.3 (or later) and I'll send you the 2 line tweak that uses the smaller files.

          Incidentally, I've now got an all new dynamic menu NorList that does all the menu generation at page compile time using Actinic's inbuilt PHP. This generates a pure HTML site map (using UL lists) as the menu which some CSS and javaScript make into a flyout menu with special effects and is thus search engine friendly.

          However, it's only recomended for sites with up to a few hundred pages as larger sites my require too much inline HTML.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Here's the fix here in case you're going to 8.0.3 soon.
            Actinic V8 versions prior to 8.0.3 contain a bug in the creation of the JavaScript arrays.
            NorCascade originally shipped with a workaround for this bug.
            This workaround meant that a larger than necessary file was being loaded that will affect page load times.
            The fix to remove this workaround if you're using 8.0.3 or later is as follows.
            In the Actinic Content Tree, click on any Product Section.
            Then select the Design Tab.
            Click the top of the Design Tree (on default site - "Works Best with Executive").  
            In the Layout Code window look for the lines
            <actinic:variable name="JavaScriptArray" value="All Data From All Sections" />
            <script type="text/javascript">
            <!-- Actinic GIKA bug workaround
            var section_tree_names = section_tree;
            var section_tree_URLs = section_tree;
            // -->
            Replace these lines with
            <actinic:variable name="JavaScriptArray" value="Name Data From All Sections" />
            <actinic:variable name="JavaScriptArray" value="URL Data From All Sections" />
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

