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Also Boughts

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    Also Boughts

    I would prefer to have the option on the Also Boughts to say zero products to be displayed per product and still have a maximumto be displayed in the shopping cart.

    At present the SW demands an integer between 1-999

    I would have thought it fairly standard to want to upsell within the cart and not display in the product lists.

    Related Product seems only to ask how many items to be listed in the Shopping cart.

    This seems a little bit inconsistant.

    It would be nice to see both features to have the option of 0 to 99 products listed in the product list, and/or/both 0-99 listed in the shopping cart. Thus you can choose how many to show in the product list and the cart (with different values for both - including zero).

    And of course a standard layout which show products in a grid (horizontally) - similar to the home page bestsellers/new products.

    I don't want much do I?

    and another thing ...

    I was just about to start a thread about related products but your beat me to it, so sorry about the hijack... it is in the same area at least!

    I want to set a number of related products (say 3). If I have more than 3 products in the related list then it randomly chooses 3. If you have less than 3 items in the related list then show the list and have a spacer product in the remaining boxes so that our layout stays as intended.

    In addition - could it be possible to have some automatic related products (like giftwrapping) that get selected if the available spaces (e.g. the 3) are not all used.



      Yep I saw your post

      which I think Chris has confirmed that randomising will be added to the wish list but it won't be attended to very soon.

      This thread now adds more things to the mix...


        I would prefer to have the option on the Also Boughts to say zero products to be displayed per product and still have a maximumto be displayed in the shopping cart.
        I suggest removing the ProductAlsoBoughtList layout selector from the product layout.
        Related Product seems only to ask how many items to be listed in the Shopping cart.

        This seems a little bit inconsistant.
        Not really. You have to build the 'Related Items' list manually, so you can leave it blank if you want. The idea of the maximum amount to show in the shopping cart is that if you have two products in the cart, and they both have three related items, how many do you show in the shopping cart list.
        And of course a standard layout which show products in a grid (horizontally) - similar to the home page bestsellers/new products.
        You can go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and then go to the 'Also Bought Lists' group. Then right-click on 'Standard Product Also Bought List' and click 'New Layout'. Call it 'Grid Also Bought List' or something.Then take a look at the 'Home Page Best Sellers List' layout in the library, click 'Edit List Layout Settings' and basically copy and paste all the HTML for that list into your new list.

        You will then be able to change the default also bought list layout within the 'Site' area of 'Settings | Site Options'


          Originally posted by PaulGrimshaw
          In addition - could it be possible to have some automatic related products (like giftwrapping) that get selected if the available spaces (e.g. the 3) are not all used.
          Is this possible at the moment?



            Is this possible at the moment?
            No - sorry.

