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More VAT issues!

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    More VAT issues!

    Yes I know I am not the only one with VAT issues! I just wondered if the following was possible?

    1. We are VAT registered. However, there is no point at all including VAT in a purely consumer retail site. It is not required by Customs & Excise. It confuses customers and may lead to cart abandonment.

    In which case turning VAT off seems reasonable. However, we then have the problem that all orders imported into Quickbooks need to be adjusted by hand to include VAT.

    2. To resolve the Quickbooks issue. We can turn VAT on. However, then:

    a) We need to enter the retail price ex VAT on the product - to have the site show the price inc VAT. Is there no way to just put the gross price (inc VAT) on the product without the site adding it again?

    The above is annoying (nothwithstanding rounding errors!) but not a show stopper. However:

    b) The cart always seperates the VAT, removing it from the product and inserting it in a sub total etc. Again this is unnecessary, confusing for customers and sure to lead to cart abandonment. (very few retail sites do this).

    I guess we therefore need a way to either:

    1) Export orders to Quickbooks with VAT (when VAT is not turned on in Actinic)


    2) Have VAT turned on but not have it appear in the cart (and idealy not have to work out the ex VAT price).

    Anyone have any ideas?



    sadly, the best I can suggest is to make do until actinic get round to improving the way VAT is handled. They are well aware of the issue and plan to fix it in V9. At least according to an earlier post from Chris Barling:

    "Hi, we've previously given a commitment that we will be doing a load of work on VAT inclusive pricing as part of the v9 development."

    Even a consumer retail site should take VAT into account if you take international orders. I get quite a few orders from the US, Norway, etc where no VAT should be charged as they're outside the EU.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike

      At least it is being looked at! I don't suppose there is a timeline for v9?

      We only sell to the UK (and a very little to the EU), so this is a bit of a show stopper for us.



        At least it is being looked at! I don't suppose there is a timeline for v9?
        There is, but unfortunately we cannot make it public in case there is a big shift in delivery date (like if we decide to add something requested frequently on the community)



          Please could you just fix version 8 for now as we are having major isues with clients complaining about the Vat confusing them on our site, We have therefor had to take it off the site but are now left with no info to do our vat returns. catch 22...... retail customers dont need to see vat but the vat man does

